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Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:18 pm

catolytemel wrote:
okamotosan18 wrote:I am a strong advocate for the "Jurpleberry method" lol
I used it for my Comp for Step 4 and the 300/300 comp in Step 5. It made things so much easier.

Step 4: I used two samples of 6g of Jurpleberry, and ended up being able to make the first property 180 and calculated the value needed in the other sample to something like 28, so it was eay to get those values. Then the other property was 0 & 140, and since it was about 1 point every 4 seconds was able to calculate how many seconds I needed to keep it crushing.
So I split the 6g samples into 3g samples and made the new Comp. :)

Step 5: Took 5g Babaa Wool, figured that burning would give me my two properties, then burned to max and split the 5g into 2g, 1g, 1g, 1g and made a new Comp out of one of the 1g samples. I then split the 2g, and added all together....:D

So you used the stuff in step 4 plus step 5 for the composite in 5? Just curious because it says you cant have more tha n1g of each item :)

I used the same idea/process for Step 4 and Step 5, you take a larger batch, and you need to do less calculating to figure out the values you need when combining.

By doing two samples of 6g of Jurpleberry in Step 4 you only need to get two equal-sized samples to average out for your properties, and you can use 180(maxed) or 0(nothing) for the values and calculate what you need from the other sample. Then split into 4 samples of 3g.

And for step 5's 300/300 Comp, just take 5g of Babaa wool, and look up which option will get you the 2 properties you need, and split them up into 1g samples.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:33 pm

For the step in which I need Anti-Gravitic Goo, Spectral Essence and a component, my component needs to have a requirement of 65 in divination and 105 in power.

So far I haven't been able to find a recipe for any number over 80, so I'd be happy if anyone would point me to a link or two regarding those or help in any other way :3

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:35 pm

I think I choose to give up on this level tonight. It's like, 1:30am, and the psionic singularity is not appearing. So I choose to ignore everything in the lab and go to sleep instead :D


Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:37 pm

*curls into a little ball*

It's 4:30am. And I have to get up at 8am.


My guide is now complete with all the data that I have compiled. With a full inbox that I've emptied a number of tiems, and numerous pages of writing, I have solutions for Levels 3, 4, and 5. It is by no means listing every single combination as I don't have that data, but it's got a damn good amount of it.


And now I am going to go to bed, and pray that someone else finds Platnium Mist.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:40 pm

josieweirdo wrote:For the step in which I need Anti-Gravitic Goo, Spectral Essence and a component, my component needs to have a requirement of 65 in divination and 105 in power.

So far I haven't been able to find a recipe for any number over 80, so I'd be happy if anyone would point me to a link or two regarding those or help in any other way :3

Here's what you do...
Take two samples of 6g of Jurpleberry
Then get samples 1's Divination to 130
And work on getting sample 2's Power to 30

After that you need to get sample 1's Power to 180 by maxing
And leave Sample 2 alone with a 0 in Divination

Split those two 6g samples into 3g samples
Make a new Composite, and add the rest in <3

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:41 pm

josieweirdo wrote:For the step in which I need Anti-Gravitic Goo, Spectral Essence and a component, my component needs to have a requirement of 65 in divination and 105 in power.

So far I haven't been able to find a recipe for any number over 80, so I'd be happy if anyone would point me to a link or two regarding those or help in any other way :3

Power: 66
Divination: 104

3g Wool: Crush until Power/Div is 264
3g Berries: Soak until Div is 152

is as close as I can come for you hon

so you cna try those and even play a point high or low if need be then add 6 grams of other ingredients (you know 3/3) lemme know if it works also be sure you use the proper spec essence formula

Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring: +275
Divination: +53
Enchantment: +21
Power: +412

The formula is:

10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
2 g Leafy Slorgblossom - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX
1 g Bloodfern - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX

that is if it matches those numbers for your essence.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:56 pm

If this one's not safe, then I don't know what I'll do...


Thanks for all your support, little guy. Down the hatch...'

Yay me!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:58 pm

Congratulations hon, welcome to the land of the caught up!

~hugs ya~

how are the rest of you all coming with yers?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:06 pm

Thanks for the help, everybody. I'm using the spreadsheet now to fiddle with the values.

Have I mentioned lately how awesome PPTers are? Cause you are. <3

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:14 pm

ugh...I can't believe Platinum Mist still hasn't been found out yet... :cry:

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:29 pm

What doesn't work. Given that with the ice plasma all you really need to do is burn 1 g nova and add bumrrot and sharpgrass, I've begun other combinations of doing an action on one item and adding it to two others (1 g each)

So far...crushing Nova and adding it to...unchanged ingredients does not work.

Burning Nova and adding unchanged ingredients doesn't work either. Well, except that with Bumroot and Sharpgrass it makes the Ice Plasma.
Last edited by laurenb on Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:31 pm

Since we don't have to get any numbers for the last 2 formulas, the platinum mist or the psionic stuff, couldn't we just theoretically combine different ingredient combos til we get the right ones? Soaking, crushing, etc. just change the numbers. We aren't asked for any numbers in the potion formula.

Brain is totally fried, so if this has been answered, sorry.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:53 pm

I can't be bothered to look up everything that has been tried and found not to work for the Platinum Mist and Psionic Singularity, but it seems to me that if the formula for Ice Plasma is

1g Bumroot (burn and crush to max)
1g Sharpgrass (burn and crush to max)
1g Nova essence (burn and crush to max)
7g Sharpgrass (no changes made)

then might not the other two formulas be exactly the same, but with 7g of untouched Bumroot / Nova Essence?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:00 pm

There's an ongoing attempt to find out if other combinations of 1g + 1g + 1g work for the other 2 potions as well. Anyone got an image of the Ice Plasma, btw? I'm curious.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:02 pm

Wind wrote:There's an ongoing attempt to find out if other combinations of 1g + 1g + 1g work for the other 2 potions as well. Anyone got an image of the Ice Plasma, btw? I'm curious.


Here ya go! Luckily I like to keep my 'achievement' screens open for a while, so I just had to backspace.
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