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Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:09 pm

anjuna wrote:
Setekh wrote:Unfortunetly making noise doesn't involve screaming at the Computer monitor, as as a COD2 player I am highly accustomed to such actions.

LOL I don't know what COD2 is but that sounds really fun. I always wondered why when I right click on a Flash module there is an option to allow access to my mic. Maybe it could be used for something like that? :P

Call Of Duty, a First person shooter.

My mic was confiscated because of it ¬_¬

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:09 pm

Rakumel wrote:Question: Is there a key you can press on your keyboard to shoot the ball, instead of clicking? Because I'm trying to aim by putting my cursor inside the corner of the goal, as someone suggested in the tip sticky, but it doesn't work. When I click, either my shooter just hangs on to the ball and gets it taken away from him, or if I click ON the player to shoot, the shot is way off because he changes the direction he's facing at the last second.

It's really, really, REALLY annoying. :x :x :x

I don't know about a key, but what I do is put the curser somewhere between the back corner and the opening of the net. I find that if you keep the curser too far back it won't shoot, but if you have it too close to the opening your shot can go wide. (I hope I described that good enough and I also hope that tip helps)

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:13 pm

I managed my first 9 - 0 win of the tournament earlier, thanks to the lack of Dargian Yooyus. I don't know if I'll ever manage to score with them. I just have no control, and if I try to set up a position, it either magnetically attracts to a player from the opposition, or they take it from me.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:15 pm

I've managed to score at least once with every single Yooyu and I also managed to get a 8-0 (yay for getting my mouse back at least!) but then I got a Darigan Yooyu and that stumped me :P
I'm hoping we get to know our scores at the end of the day, at least.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:18 pm

I'm not very good with either the darigan or faerie ones. The faerie ones I usually just keep throwing at the goal and eventually they get in. I was able to get a goal with a darigan once but I was so surprised I didn't pay attention to HOW I managed it. :P

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:19 pm

Nice job everyone! I can only get about 2000 at MSN. :( I'll just stick to Yooyouball.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:20 pm

I like to whisper sweetly to them (I'm playing Darigan as usual) and then shout a bit if that doesnt work.
And if after forty seconds I've not gotten a goal I just let the damn thing in.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:27 pm

Rakumel wrote:Question: Is there a key you can press on your keyboard to shoot the ball, instead of clicking? Because I'm trying to aim by putting my cursor inside the corner of the goal, as someone suggested in the tip sticky, but it doesn't work. When I click, either my shooter just hangs on to the ball and gets it taken away from him, or if I click ON the player to shoot, the shot is way off because he changes the direction he's facing at the last second.

It's really, really, REALLY annoying. :x :x :x

Same thing is happening to me. If anyone has any suggestions, please let us know.

Question, do you have to be outside the jaggedy line to shoot at the goal?

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:29 pm

If you look at the image name of the shield on the main page, it says 0_150. Do you think that once you get 151 wins you change shields?

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:29 pm

wrangler33 wrote:
Rakumel wrote:Question: Is there a key you can press on your keyboard to shoot the ball, instead of clicking? Because I'm trying to aim by putting my cursor inside the corner of the goal, as someone suggested in the tip sticky, but it doesn't work. When I click, either my shooter just hangs on to the ball and gets it taken away from him, or if I click ON the player to shoot, the shot is way off because he changes the direction he's facing at the last second.

It's really, really, REALLY annoying. :x :x :x

Same thing is happening to me. If anyone has any suggestions, please let us know.

Question, do you have to be outside the jaggedy line to shoot at the goal?

Another area where I put the curser is the front 'edge' of the goal, you know the very edge of the goal? I tend to have the most luck with that personally. I'm not sure if either of my tips help. :P I have a hard time explaining things. ;)

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:31 pm

I wish I could manage 9-0 win. Well, at least I'm winning 2/3 of the time. With maybe 2-4 goals made per game. I wish they'd tell us the point system straight out.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:31 pm

siouxper wrote:If you look at the image name of the shield on the main page, it says 0_150. Do you think that once you get 151 wins you change shields?

Nope, the next shield also says 1_150 :P 150 is actually the size of the shields (150x150)

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:34 pm

~Tara~ wrote:I cannot stand the darigan and faerie yooyus they never go where i want them too lol. Having lots of fun at least. How many games are you required to win to get a yooyu anyhow? The make some noise game i have tried, and i kinda like key tapping games but i still suck at it. :D

I found for the faerie yooyous. It is best to approach the goal head on. When your just inside the middle point near the goaltender. Throw it..sometimes it makes it. Sometimes it does not.
For the Darigan..I'm still trying to get a good strategy. For now I just run along the sidelines. Then straight up or down past the goaltender and toss it in when I see an opening.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:35 pm

150 would be awfully a lot of wins lol.

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:36 pm

I'll have to try that strategy for the faerie yooyus. Thanks. :)
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