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Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:04 pm


is Ice Plasma -ws-

but I am curious as if Ice Plasma is this cool I wonder about the other two items, are they as interesting if they ever get found?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:13 pm

Well, I've been working on the Plat MIst all morning...it's now like 1pm in the afternoon. No luck yet. I don't think I paid much attention to how the colors changed previously, but there is a lovely slate grey when working with Bronze & Babaa & Madvine, but if I add the Nova it changes to reddish. I don't know...I'm probably thinking too much at this point and nothing is making any sense. I wonder if the colors even matter at all, but right now it's the random way to work thru the combinations.

Oh, another thing that I've been doing is trying to get all the properties to the same number...like +300 or +330, since the last three 'new' ingredients have multiples of three in at least one of the maxxed out value. does that make sense? But I know I didn't exhaust every possibility before getting bored and started just using the ones that I liked the colors. From there, I'm still trying to get to a certain number.
Last edited by Navar57 on Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:15 pm

I bet it'll look odd and neat like the spec essence, the goo, and plasma so lets keep hoping.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:20 pm

Well, if I could, I'd go back and experiment on the Platinum Mist and Psionic Singularity... But I lucked out and was given the Ice Plasma instead. I so want them to make this into a game. What's up with doing something something during a plot, and then never hearing about it again anyway?
A constellation-searching game should be easy enough to make; no? And a potion-making game, and all the other fun stuff we've been doing up until now... Come on, TNT, re-use your plots, we won't complain!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:27 pm

Heh, I don't know how many, er, crazy neopians would willingly go back to potion making. It would be a bit like making a new Anubis Toxicology Report.
Thanks for the Ice Plasma image, at least now I'm not afraid to miss mine because it's a different shade of grey, or something. It'll be an original image.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:32 pm

Wind wrote:Heh, I don't know how many, er, crazy neopians would willingly go back to potion making. It would be a bit like making a new Anubis Toxicology Report.
Thanks for the Ice Plasma image, at least now I'm not afraid to miss mine because it's a different shade of grey, or something. It'll be an original image.

Heh, I never did the LDP, so I never made an Anubis Toxicoligy Report, but was it that bad? What was it exactly?
And is potion making considered that bad by everyone? I can understand you get fed up with it if you spend hours looking for a single potion and it still won't come, but the overall idea, the different ingredients, the processes, the properties - not enjoyable?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:38 pm

pardona_ii wrote:
Wind wrote:Heh, I don't know how many, er, crazy neopians would willingly go back to potion making. It would be a bit like making a new Anubis Toxicology Report.
Thanks for the Ice Plasma image, at least now I'm not afraid to miss mine because it's a different shade of grey, or something. It'll be an original image.

Heh, I never did the LDP, so I never made an Anubis Toxicoligy Report, but was it that bad? What was it exactly?
And is potion making considered that bad by everyone? I can understand you get fed up with it if you spend hours looking for a single potion and it still won't come, but the overall idea, the different ingredients, the processes, the properties - not enjoyable?

After a good 8 hours spent looking for the stupid Psychotic Singularity I'm pretty sick of potion making - I mean if I got a clue that I was on the right track (or not) I wouldnt mind, but there's nothing.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:40 pm

Yeah...I have a bit of extra time, so I joined in the search on the NeoBoards...

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:41 pm

NOOO! I finally got the values right, then forgot to add an unchanged, and now I have to restart! Gah! *headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*

Ok. Deep Breath. *goes to do it all again*

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:49 pm

gah i am about to give up on this its to oconfusing

Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:21 pm

Here are some of my (probably not relevant) observations.

Anti-Gravitic Goop can be made with just 1g of each ingredient. None of the properties are remotely close between the first and second time I made it (for the required composites) and the third (experimental). AGG cannot be made simply by combining the ingredients unprocessed, nor by simply burning the ingredients, nor by simply crushing the ingredients. Therefore, it seems to me that it is the processes done to the ingredient that are relevant to creating a special composite, not the properties.

Next observations:
Spectral Essence can be made with 4g Bloodfern Loam and 1g Slorgblossom, as per the recipe for the second requirement. It cannot, however, be made with less that 4g Loam. It also cannot be made with 1g crushed and soacked Bloodfern Loam and 3g unprocessed Loam This leads me to believe that the proportion between the ingredients is also relevant. I will continue to do further testing to see if I can come up with any further observations.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:00 pm

Finally got it! For those of you still working, those links to the petpet pages
http://www.neopets.com/~the_cenial_one and http://petpages.neopets.com/~Red_Citrus22 helped me a lot. Just whip out your calulator and get to averaging! Also, it helped me to remember that you can stop partway, you don't have to use anything all the way to the maximum value.

Good luck!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:08 pm

I just noticed that sansam and madvine arent used in any of the other "specials"...

Will try adding 7g of it to plasma...
if that dont work, i'll try... dunno, something else

Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:19 pm

There is a search for Platinum Mist going on here...it's all organized and stuff. So if y'all feel like having a direction, go there and help out! I'm helping and will let you know if we find anything on this board.


Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:33 pm

Thanks for the link, I've joined the ranks :)
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