Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:31 am

Kaebel wrote:Anyone else click the Gypsy Wocky yet? :)

Yup, spooky!

Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:50 am

sily_sicily wrote:
Kenjiro wrote:How much time is there usually between the ending of a plot, and receiving any trophies/prizes/that sort of stuff?

Most likely within a week, because (like the Cyodrakes Gaze plot) after the ending...

:roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:

Sorry, but I think the only plot to have prizes that quickly was the Cyodrakes Gaze (well...maybe the Altador cup)

The Cydorakes Gaze plot prizes came quickly because it was a case of marking five answers for each user that submitted their answers. This is a case of checking who did what, who was the first to do what, who beat what opponents, how many graves each person dug up, marked, tested (though, if the LDP is anything to go by, this part may not be counted as the prize was in the actual activity), who checked how many gravenames etc etc etc. Then you have to assign each step points depending on their relative hardness, then work out how strong the prizes should be from the spread of the points (you wouldn't want to give something as powerful as a Thoyras Tear to too many people, but you wouldn't want to give out a stupid wee wind up icy toy to most people either...wait, scratch that last part *bitter*).

Historically, war/plot prizes take forever. Heck, in the original Meridell/Darigan war, there was months between the end of the first stage and the beginning of the second (between end of "war" and beginning of "stop darigan")

If you're lucky, the prizes will be here around the first week of December.

If you're not lucky, they'll be here sometime before Christmas.

If you're unlucky, don't hold your breath.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:33 am

the_dog_god wrote: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:
Sorry, but I think the only plot to have prizes that quickly was the Cyodrakes Gaze (well...maybe the Altador cup)
The Cydorakes Gaze plot prizes came quickly because it was a case of marking five answers for each user that submitted their answers. This is a case of checking who did what, who was the first to do what, who beat what opponents, how many graves each person dug up, marked, tested (though, if the LDP is anything to go by, this part may not be counted as the prize was in the actual activity), who checked how many gravenames etc etc etc. Then you have to assign each step points depending on their relative hardness, then work out how strong the prizes should be from the spread of the points (you wouldn't want to give something as powerful as a Thoyras Tear to too many people, but you wouldn't want to give out a stupid wee wind up icy toy to most people either...wait, scratch that last part *bitter*).
Historically, war/plot prizes take forever. Heck, in the original Meridell/Darigan war, there was months between the end of the first stage and the beginning of the second (between end of "war" and beginning of "stop darigan")
If you're lucky, the prizes will be here around the first week of December.
If you're not lucky, they'll be here sometime before Christmas.
If you're unlucky, don't hold your breath.

Oh I didn't know that...the first plot I did was the Altador one... :( And I quitted neo for like a few years and came back with the Altador Plot going on...so I decided to do it... :(

Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:49 pm

well... that was anticlimactic! Was it *all a dream*? What happened to Krawley, Ilere and the elephante gypsy who looks like Stromboli? Oy... what the hell was TNT smoking?! :D

the conversation with the pink aisha-wocky-wjatever-gypsy looks a bit silly to me, since I have a baby kougra...

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:06 pm

i must say.. that was an awful lot of work for such a terrible ending... gah... :|

half of me is glad that it's done, but the other half thinks we deserved something a little more climatic

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:09 pm

That clickable Gypsy at the Gypsy camp still looks more like a Wocky to me...
I don't understand. Why do our pets cry when they heard the Wocky said that there haven't been any Elephante in the camp? What for cry? Well I think it was meant to be a sad pet but my pet was crying...

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:12 pm

eilu wrote:well... that was anticlimactic! Was it *all a dream*? What happened to Krawley, Ilere and the elephante gypsy who looks like Stromboli? Oy... what the hell was TNT smoking?! :D

the conversation with the pink aisha-wocky-wjatever-gypsy looks a bit silly to me, since I have a baby kougra...

No, it wasn't a dream - no one was asleep and has suddenly woken up.

Ilere stated she wasn't going to help Sophie - so she wasn't playing a part. Her only part was to give Sophie a backstory in how she survived without family and how she learnt magic.

Mr Krawley was the elephante (the final conversation at the Gypsy Camp tells us there was no elephante - so it was a spirit).

It was a gypsy wocky that talks to us.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:32 pm

sily_sicily wrote:That clickable Gypsy at the Gypsy camp still looks more like a Wocky to me...
I don't understand. Why do our pets cry when they heard the Wocky said that there haven't been any Elephante in the camp? What for cry? Well I think it was meant to be a sad pet but my pet was crying...

They're probably upset because they wanted to hear another story, or the rest of the details to this one.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:45 pm

I've been reading the forums at idb and i came across this:"So the 12 war challengers we've had were 160 through 172, but there are some more challengers past 172 ie: javascript:MakeOnePlayerChallenge(173).

You'll notice because it says they're not available as opposed to "Does not exist." Personally I'm hoping for a shot at the bruce."
the above was posted way before the mayor was released,and he was challenger no.173.I did a check with no.174 and true enough,it reads "ERROR : This opponent is not enabled yet!"
I highly suspect that this is Krawley.But on the other hand,who knows. :>

Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:48 pm

Hmm....very iiiiiiinteresting.

I like theorizing, it's fun.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:52 pm

I certainly feel like the loose krawk ends need to be tied up. Someone that eeeeeeeeeevil really does need to get what's coming to them.

I can see what people mean about the eyes on the krawk/elephante; I vaguely noticed it when I read the comic, although I dismissed it immediately because there was NOTHING to back up the idea that there was any significance to it-- I assumed it was just a coincidence; I mean, how many colors are there to use anyway? If TNT expected that to be a clue, they should have made it a bit more clue-like, like actually making their eyes GLOW (no iris/pupil) or inserting a comic-box where each one's face fades and you can see only his eyes... or something. IMHO.

Also, I believe the gypsy is a wocky because of the ruff. However, the confusion here underscores my distaste for anthro pets. No offense to the artists out there, but the more anthro pets get, the more generic they get. There may be exceptions, but they are few.

I was really upset to click next to the... what is that thing?... church? town hall? and find that I could no longer visit Sophie's shack! At least we should be able to stop in and get a generic "hi, how are ya" conversation similar to the gypsy thing.

Oh, and 2348937 brownie points to TNT for actually making my PET interact with the gypsy! Rah!!! Woo!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also dying to know what's been updated. I can tell you a few things I hope they DON'T change... shops, the games room...

Some things that would be cool:
1. making all the worlds have paths into each other
2. battledome update of some kind
3. the employment agency?

Some things that came to mind:
1. Perhaps the side bar? Since they mention to be sure and stop by, perhaps they are going to release a special unlockable sidebar...?
2. Usul day is next Monday... .... yeah, i don't know what to do with that. Just that Gilly is a Usul.... *shrug.*
3. User lookups? The trophy section? I don't know what you'd update though.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:34 pm

moreau360 wrote:I've been reading the forums at idb and i came across this:"So the 12 war challengers we've had were 160 through 172, but there are some more challengers past 172 ie: javascript:MakeOnePlayerChallenge(173).

You'll notice because it says they're not available as opposed to "Does not exist." Personally I'm hoping for a shot at the bruce."
the above was posted way before the mayor was released,and he was challenger no.173.I did a check with no.174 and true enough,it reads "ERROR : This opponent is not enabled yet!"
I highly suspect that this is Krawley.But on the other hand,who knows. :>

The mayor was 3 challengers in one. Check 176?

Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:54 pm

D'you think the higher the BD score, the higher the prizes?

BTW: how/where would we get the prizes, both the asylum and the shack are gone?

Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:57 pm

Khirshanta wrote:BTW: how/where would we get the prizes, both the asylum and the shack are gone?

Gypsy camp, maybe... ?

Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:02 pm

_lexxia wrote:
Khirshanta wrote:BTW: how/where would we get the prizes, both the asylum and the shack are gone?

Gypsy camp, maybe... ?

This seems the most logical on one hand, because they're still there.
On the other hand, the gypsy is chatting as if she doesn't know what happened so maybe not. Perhaps a new place in Neovia will open?
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