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Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 2:45 am

The avatar and theme are both the same as given out last year...I didn't get either last year, and got them both this year. Looks like they will be given out annually (perhaps).

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:20 am

The Chairman looks up your name in a records book. "According to this, you have 12,908 points available to spend."

Altador Cup II
3rd Place (Starting Player)

Not too sure what to get yet.

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:35 am

Wow. Either the prizes last year were much cheaper or I just did REALLY bad this year. The best thing I can buy is the Clockwork Yooyu. >_< I really wanted that Slushie Hat, too. And incidentally, aren't Darigan Paintbrushes more expensive than Halloween Paintbrushes? Man...what a bummer. =(

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:48 am

Ugh, why can't they put our score below our trophies?! Is it really that hard?! I'm a "participant" (5th place team, but in most scoring methods we were in 4th... I'm still ticked about that.) My lookup is the exact same as someone who scored 1 goal in 1 game for Faerieland. At LEAST use our shield with the gem in it as our trophy?! I'm not a bragger, but it would be nice to have a little graphic that shows how much time we put into the tournament. You can't buy trophies with NP, and that's why I like them so much. Prizes are sold off and forgotten, trophies stay forever...

I know you can click it to show your stats, but not many people will click it.

I might've been a bit less ticked off if my trophy represented my team, too....

My maximum prize value total is about a third of my last year total.

Sigh. 35+ hours of my summer gone.

Rant, rant, rant.

Edit: And based on whatever scoring method they used, there should be a prize for 1 point. Because having leftover points kind of sucks.

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:55 am

I agree with you, mario. I think the point scoring system was a lot stingier than last year's.

Who knows, maybe they'll let us carry over those unused points into the next plot. :P

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:07 am

* sigh *

Only got 293 points. I played several times for Maraqua, but just didn't score very well.

I think I'll collect all the keyrings, plus maybe the scorchio bobblehead if i can still fit that in.

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:40 am

Phneh, nothing interesting I can buy (Ie: No paint brush. No yooyoo..) but I did sell the two books and I've enough to buy a Darigan paint brush from the hidden tower.
It's scary how quickly I got to 1.4 million when I put my mind to it...

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:12 am

I scored a massive 3 points lol

I'm really rubbish at this game :P

Nothing for me but a shiny medal.

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:40 am

I was hoping that this year they might've assigned trophies to how many points you got.. but no, once again it's all about picking a team and hoping your lucky..

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:58 am

I like the trophies for this year. At least you get a trophy according to which team you joined originally, not which team you joined in the finals. I'm still annoyed that I have a darigan trophy for last year because I chose to play with Darigan instead of sitting out that round.
I think I'll be getting the shirt, the 1,500 points book and some cheap things. I wish there was another avatar, though.

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:01 am

721 points. Since I can't afford any of the books (and that's what I normally go for ) I'll just get two jerseys and spend the rest on... whatever.

Do you think the price of darigan paint brush will go down now? Or will it stay the same considering they can be bought via the Hidden Tower?

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:23 am

95 paltry points... 5 points shy of the scorchio bobblehead, which I kinda like. :cry:

edit: why are all the 'cheap' stuff "special"? can't the keyrings at least be toys? :x

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:31 am

I got to level 12... and have 11,277 points to spend. No clue what I'll buy. Probably a Darigan Yooyu, a jersey, and some books. Spend the rest on whatever is left over. I'm not going to buy anything until I see how the market for items steadies out.


I just wish I got more points - I feel like I worked really hard for very little points. Sure, I got a ton more than most people... but dude. :)

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:23 pm

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
9446 points. 554 points short so I could get 3 mil! That's the most annoying thing ever! Next thing is 54 points short so I can get a stamp, and 1 of each book. What is this called? I call it extremely bad luck. Another thing is that the when the AC was running, it was the times when I had exams....... Now what do you call that?

Re: Altador Cup (Split 7) - Prizes Released!

Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:17 pm

I guess I didn't participate enough, as I have no points.

Still, we seem to have another nice book set again. I'll be picking up a few.

To the mod who felt the need to delete my previous post: Why?
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