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Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:21 pm

I just checked the source code for both the series of tubes and the second chapter of the comic book (since that's where the new "continue" button led from the series of tubes) -- I could find no hidden links or anything (though I'm no expert). I really think there's nothing except the comic for now. Bummer.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:09 pm

I just thought of a great paint brush idea for the new space station. They could make a wire frame paint brush. It would make your pet black and green. I know this is similar to the sketch paint brush, but I think they could do it different enough that it could be really cool.

And aren't some websites just a bunch of numbers? Like you could go to a website, but instead of the three w's it would just be a lot of numbers? I think I have seen websites like that before. But maybe it isn't a regular website, more like trying to connect to an isp or a server or something. I don't know, someone with more computer knowledge might be able to figure out of the numbers are actually part of something we could connect into.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:23 pm

That's an I.P. address...no i already tried that...
it's nothing...

that was actually the first thing i though of...

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:40 pm

Well I thought it sort of looked like something we could connect to, but there isn't enough numbers is there? I don't know if those numbers are important, but I think it might be good to remember them for later. It could be random, but I am not sure if there isn't something more we can do.

I was thinking that maybe if our pet said "*Yawn*.. when is nap time." in that place someone would come out to enforce the rule and be like "No sleeping!" It doesn't happen like that though. Not yet anyway.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:07 pm

smudgeoffudge wrote:I just thought of a great paint brush idea for the new space station. They could make a wire frame paint brush. It would make your pet black and green. I know this is similar to the sketch paint brush, but I think they could do it different enough that it could be really cool.

Oooh, that's a good idea. They could do it matrix-y style with the pet kind of black with the lines of green numbers, only 3D-looking. That would be really cool.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:39 am

Welcome to Virtupets® Orbital Space Station #4.

I believe Virtupets Orbital Space Station #4 is the biggest space station. But what about the other space stations? There has to be more, if the Virtupets Orbital Space Station is the forth.

I believe one belongs to the Alien Aishas. Not much is known about these nerkmid loving beings, other than the fact that these aishas are famous for their rather unique food inventions, and extra set of ears.

I believe one space station belongs to the Defenders of Neopia. It makes sense for them to have a base of operations in space.

I believe one space station is actually on the bottom of the sea now, perhaps covered in coral and being used as homes for creatures under the sea. We know about Maraqua, and I've always thought old Maraqua sort of looked more like a sunken space station. But who knows. I hope we do get to explore more under the ocean, because Maraqua can't be all there is.

Finally, Sloth has another space station I am sure of that. It is smaller and less useful than the the Virtupets one, and it has always annoyed Sloth to no end that he lost control of his space station.

And well, there may be even more than four stations out there, The Space faerie can fly, but I think even she needs an actual home.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:19 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:Welcome to Virtupets® Orbital Space Station #4.

I believe Virtupets Orbital Space Station #4 is the biggest space station. But what about the other space stations? There has to be more, if the Virtupets Orbital Space Station is the forth.

It could be more along the lines of Babylon V where the station is the fourth time it was rebuilt.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:25 am

Just thought I'd sign up to post this, as no-one else seems to have noticed it:

The links to each of the 3 areas of the new space station are:



http://images.neopets.com/maps/space/re ... ap.swf?v=2

Why is the recreation map defined as v=2, when the others are v=1?
Could this have anything to do with the plot? or is it just that TNT revamped the recreation deck to make it version 2?

I am currently going through the flash files to see what I can find out.

EDIT: Found something out of place

All of the flash files have shapes that are just basic sketches of what the area looks like, but the recreation deck has 3 of these, one of which is this:
which is actually the supply deck. Why would a sketch of the supply deck be in the file for the recreation deck?

This probably has nothing to do with the plot, but you never know.....

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:52 am

Methrend wrote:Just thought I'd sign up to post this, as no-one else seems to have noticed it:

The links to each of the 3 areas of the new space station are:



http://images.neopets.com/maps/space/re ... ap.swf?v=2

Why is the recreation map defined as v=2, when the others are v=1?
Could this have anything to do with the plot? or is it just that TNT revamped the recreation deck to make it version 2?

I just tried going to v=1 for the recreation map, and the images looked identical (same links, same art)... Maybe it's v.2 because of the Geraptiku-linking glitch which they fixed? I don't think the others had odd links. So my guess would be not plot-related... Unless we need to go to v.4 since this is the 4th space station...

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:55 am

Methrend wrote:Jhttp://images.neopets.com/maps/space/recreation_map.swf?v=2

Why is the recreation map defined as v=2, when the others are v=1?
Could this have anything to do with the plot? or is it just that TNT revamped the recreation deck to make it version 2?

There have been puzzles where adding the right thing to the url was the path to the next step. Currently putting different numbers in (including 1342.322.6) does not seem to do anything so it means nothing, we do not know the right number, or it is not active yet.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:57 am

hmmm...suppose it's something to keep in mind for later though.

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:15 am

Let's make sure we've got that number written down for later...

also, what are some other places we could try entering it??

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:47 am

just another note:
None of the other flash maps in Neopia have that v=whatever on the end of them, so I'm really starting to think it means something. What it means yet we have no idea..

As for that number, it's seems a bit too random to not be part of the plot.
Hmm...8 digit number....dunno where else we could try putting it

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:55 am

I'm personally still hung up on the "stamp" ede Zafara thing...they didn't mention stamps in the news...probably not plot related, but I wish it was.

I don't think the numbers could be a code, could they?

Re: The Return of Dr Sloth (split 2)

Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:20 am

Siniri wrote:
Methrend wrote:Just thought I'd sign up to post this, as no-one else seems to have noticed it:

The links to each of the 3 areas of the new space station are:



http://images.neopets.com/maps/space/re ... ap.swf?v=2

Why is the recreation map defined as v=2, when the others are v=1?
Could this have anything to do with the plot? or is it just that TNT revamped the recreation deck to make it version 2?

I just tried going to v=1 for the recreation map, and the images looked identical (same links, same art)... Maybe it's v.2 because of the Geraptiku-linking glitch which they fixed? I don't think the others had odd links. So my guess would be not plot-related... Unless we need to go to v.4 since this is the 4th space station...

I just tried putting various numbers at the end: 3, 9 & 348468. Didn't seem to make any difference.
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