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Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:06 pm

:( I thought I managed to take out most of the math... *keeps editing*

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:10 pm

well i have officially given up on the plot.........the maths of all the mod codes have just killed my brain right before I've started school, and I think that this to be a children's based site, just makes me feel dumb, seeing as this just plain HARD.

I'll just let my brother see if he can crack it, but other than that, I've given up on this........

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:40 pm

3lla wrote:well i have officially given up on the plot.........the maths of all the mod codes have just killed my brain right before I've started school, and I think that this to be a children's based site, just makes me feel dumb, seeing as this just plain HARD.

I'll just let my brother see if he can crack it, but other than that, I've given up on this........

No giving up!

First off, even though it may seem that this is a children's based site, it's kinda not...it was started by college dorks. Only since Viacom took over has it gone more kid-based. I have a feeling plots still lean towards the original spirit of the site. So don't let that make you feel foolish :P

Secondly, maybe it would help if you took a break from this step for, say, a day then gave it another go? I just don't want you to give up, only to regret it later :(

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:48 pm

To all the people that want to give up on the 2nd step of the plot: Don't give up! Just take a break for a while. Plots usually take a while, so you don't have to finish a step within a few days that it's released. Maybe after a week or whenever you have a bit more spare time you can continue. :) Or instead of trying to fininish this in one go, take half an hour a day to spend on the plot or just do one 3mod a day/every other day. You'll get there eventually, it's just going to take some time. :hug:

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:18 pm

3lla wrote:well i have officially given up on the plot.........the maths of all the mod codes have just killed my brain right before I've started school, and I think that this to be a children's based site, just makes me feel dumb, seeing as this just plain HARD.

I'll just let my brother see if he can crack it, but other than that, I've given up on this........

:( Keep trying! The mathy stuff really isn't necessary; it does make things harder, so try the more straightforward way that the other guides use. :) Try cracking just a little bit every day, and you'll get it, and be rewarded for it near the end. (The game saves your progress once you've unlocked a message, too, so don't feel like you'll lose all your work if your computer crashes. )

If you still want to try the mathy stuff, I've changed some things around to hopefully be a little more understandable...

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:09 pm

3lla wrote:well i have officially given up on the plot.........the maths of all the mod codes have just killed my brain right before I've started school, and I think that this to be a children's based site, just makes me feel dumb, seeing as this just plain HARD.

I have to agree with the previous 3 posts. Don't give up on it. Give yourself a break. Take some time away and then come back to it.

This step is very hard. I was able to fly through the first two sets of mods, but had a lot of trouble with the 3rd, so I took about a day break from it (and missed the tiny window to use the calculator). When I came back to it, someone had posted how the symbols can be converted to numbers along with which symbols were what numbers, and they could be calculated using base 6 & base 7 numbering. That helped me get through it. There are a lot more help sites (links sprinkled through the last several splits) with different strategies. Some of them take a totally different approach and there might be one that works better for you vs. another.

Hang in there and you'll get it eventually.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:10 pm

just want to throw in my 2 cents and say keep trying everyone. i've been doing this dang code breaking since it came out and had decided to not use the program. not that i can't i'm still working on this step. the method given at LadyRheyna has been working best for me. hopefully i'll get it done today rather than being so frustrated i give it up for the day yet again.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:29 pm

Well, I just cracked it! Had to decode all but 3 of the emails and got through the guards pretty easily with just getting caught a few times. I, too, wanted to give up many times but the encouragement and help from the ppl on this site kept me going. I am not good at math so just had to go by trial and error using the help tables. Even if you set your goal at one email decoded per day, you will get through it, so don't stop! You guys are the greatest! :hug:

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:36 pm

Yay, perserverance! :D

Keep it up, you guys. Make good use of the first posts' guides, hints, and tips. And take it easy...don't work yourself into the ground ;)

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:55 pm

Reading all the guides really intimidated me since complex math makes my eyes bleed. But I decided to try it my way (intelligent brute force) and got through it relatively painlessly. Use a key, figure out what combos turn your key into your target and just plug in possibilities. The only math it involves is ordinals, like first line ending in a mushroom, second line ending in a mushroom... When you get to the 0-3 mods your possible choices are actually pretty few. Most of your 30 choices simply won't end in a symbol you need so it's just window dressing. It was even suggested somewhere that you compare the possibilities for your first symbol AND your last symbol which would reduce the possible combos even more. It looks scary, and I don't know base 7 from a hole in a tree, but it really is possible to get it done. You just have to get past what it looks like and see what it is. Plots aren't for everyone, but it really is fantastic when you finish one. Not just the prizes, but how you feel when you get through. So all those thinking of stopping, please at least consider giving it one more shot.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:05 pm

Finally. After four straight hours of clicking, I've managed to complete the encryption section. I know it's been said a lot, but don't give up! I ignored the maths part, and just worked logically through the steps, and managed to get a result eventually. With careful logic, and keeping the steps going, an hour is plenty to get through a Mod 3.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:53 pm

spoonguardonline wrote:... With careful logic, and keeping the steps going, an hour is plenty to get through a Mod 3.

wow! You must have a much faster computer, or faster clicker finger than I do. It took me about an hour to get through one code number. The 3 mod codes all took 3-4 hours, depending on how early the answer appeared.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:18 pm

Mine all took less than an hour. It took me a few hours all up, but it would've taken me less time if I actually concentrated on the thing rather than being distracted by shiny things and getting grumpy at the plot.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:00 pm

Cilian wrote:It was even suggested somewhere that you compare the possibilities for your first symbol AND your last symbol which would reduce the possible combos even more.


In my opinion, the ones with the O are actually easier than the ones without. Base 7 is a lot more awkward than Base 6, and there are less ways to add up to a given number. Since there are more numbers in a problem, you also have a higher probability of getting good symbols to work with.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:21 pm

I just about gave up on the second part of the plot. I was very discouraged and frustrated. After hours and threatening to throw the computer out the window, I took my roommates advice to take a break. After I took a break was able to get another code or two relatively easily. I think the key might just be to pace yourself and take a break when you get frustrated and discouraged.

The 3rd step isn't bad at all, I actually found ti sort of fun. :P
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