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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:05 am

I have been away from a computer for a couple of weeks so haven't gotten to do any testing. Does anyone know if it is still going on? I only get the screen to make rods now, and not the choice of activities it had at the beginning.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:36 am

Did you finish trying to make the rods? Even if it was a failure? If not, it'll keep you going back to that screen until you're done.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:55 pm

Surprised no one's posted yet, but chapter 13 is out. Testing center has been closed. Battledome opponents are still up.

Sheesh, I hope that's not the end of it. If it is, it'd be kinda disappointing. I mean, seriously. They trap him in the token and he blows up his own ship? It's screaming that it's one of his clones...or something...I hope.
Last edited by Pickles on Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:57 pm

Pickles wrote:Surprised no one's posted yet, but chapter 13 is out. Testing center has been closed. Battledome opponents are still up.

This stinks. . I didn't get to do a lot of the testing. I should have focused more on the individual part but I was too busy trying to get the group work right.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:58 pm

*jaw drops*

They have to be kidding, right? TNT are tricking us into thinking this is over... right? OMG. If this is the end, what a colossal waste of time and effort on TNT's part. Wow. Lame.

I'm crossing my fingers that this is a fake out ending.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:03 pm

Sloth does say we will never see the last of him, his entrapment is likely to be only temporary

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:06 pm

I'm mad now that they put the Daily Dare out while the plot was still going on. They don't have any activities going on for months and then they lump them all together. You wouldn't think TNT was busy by all the things they have going on! The plot was going so well and then it's almost like they didn't care anymore. . .on to the next thing. . .

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:07 pm

*crosses fingers*

I sincerely hope this is not the ending to the plot...on another note...loved the Star Trek reference

Resistance is Futile

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:10 pm


This plot has been so weird. I feel no connection between our steps and the comic and now Chapter 13 is KABOOM!!

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:19 pm

Did Sloth get sucked into the token or into the cosmos of space? It looked like he went into the token though.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:33 pm

Hmmn... I'm now wondering if the plot is really over. After going around the site, I noticed that the maintenence section is still around... and that the challengers are still in the battle dome. Maybe I was hastily jumping to conclusions before.

*crosses fingers*

I hope TNT redeem themselves.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:10 am

I really hope that this plot is not over. If it is, I'm really diappointed with TNT :cry:

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:42 am

I really hope it's not over. I love that "How dare you interrupt my "Resistance is Futile" speech!" line. If this is over, though, then that's about all I can say for this plot. It seems a bit too easy, though. The token... the imprisoning him. Of course, I did do the testing, so it wasn't THAT easy.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:54 am

The comic, as always, was amazingly wonderful. :D That said, I am extremely disappointed that they took down the individual testing puzzles while leaving all the other challenges up. I actually had a blast making the acids, and it just seems strange that people can continue to work on every other part of the plot except the token stuff. Oh well, I needed to finish maxing out on BD challengers, and I guess this is my chance to do it. I do wish I'd spent a little more time on the token tests, though. *sigh*............

On a side note, this certainly seems like a 'false ending', as it were. There are way too many loose ends right now to just be done with. (And the ending itself was just waaaaaaay too easy.) However, I thought the same thing about the JLI plot, and we all know how that turned out. :P

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 11]

Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:14 am

amarise wrote:On a side note, this certainly seems like a 'false ending', as it were.

I got the same feeling from this chapter. It's too neat--it feels like there's one twist left. Although I DID love the humor in this chapter, I'd rather it not be the second-to-last chapter in the plot.
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