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Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:39 am

bflammang wrote:Fizzy, when it says the composition can't use more than 3 grams of an ingredient, it means it. That petpage must be wrong.

I am stuck on Platinum Mist and could go to bed if I could figure it out. ARGH! :cry:
Actually, this one worked for me. All four of the ingredients for this part, I used the Jurple Berries. :D so... have a go at it.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:40 am

Fizzy wrote:Which one should I believe?

I can't say if it will work for you or not, but using all jurpleberries worked for me in both step 3 and 4. *shrug* Yeah, it doesn't make any sense, but there you have it. Again results may vary, but if you're out of options it's definitely worth a shot.

Sigh...now I'm trying to figure out the stoopid Psionic Singularity...I hope you're on to something sigh_driven, because I sure haven't had any luck. I think it must have Nova essence and Madvine in it...at least that is what I will tell myself, because it narrows down what I have to work with. :evil:

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:41 am

bflammang wrote:Fizzy, when it says the composition can't use more than 3 grams of an ingredient, it means it. That petpage must be wrong.

Thanks. I didn't quite trust it, but I figured I could ask here :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:41 am

I'm soo stuck at the 3rd part. :(
I remember that the last time I did, the calculator had a problem and is counting wrongly. o_O
Could that happen again? If it does...ARGH!!! (And I'll buy another one. :P )

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:42 am

Fizzy wrote:
bflammang wrote:Fizzy, when it says the composition can't use more than 3 grams of an ingredient, it means it. That petpage must be wrong.

Thanks. I didn't quite trust it, but I figured I could ask here :)

0_o The jurpleberry solution worked great for me.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:44 am

Special: Platinum Mist
Quantity: 10 grams


Sharpgrass (Soak)

Quantity: 7 grams

You drain the water from this ingredient.
Duration: 1110 seconds.

- Characteristics -

Conjuring: +90
Divination: +90
Enchantment: -18
Power: -9


Nova Essence (Dessicate)

Quantity: 3 grams

You stop drying this ingredient.
Duration: 1087 seconds.

- Characteristics -

Conjuring: +360
Divination: -120
Enchantment: +480
Power: +60

=== (drumroll ... to disappointment ...) ===

Miscellaneous Composition

Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring: +171
Divination: +27
Enchantment: +131
Power: +12

Well, that's not it. Platinum Mist is not soaked lawngrass with dessicated powder essence. (I was thinking along the lines of a dry ice effect. Heh.)
Back to the drawing board. *Poof!*

EDIT: I'm going to stick with working with Sharpgrass and Nova Essence, in case anyone out there wants to form a task force of sorts. Having said that, I am heading to sleep soon so might not exhaust that many possibilities. I sure wish TNT gave us a clue to work with for this one.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:50 am

I don't suppose that anyone could tell me why I would get the black goo with this combination? I thought I had everything right :cry:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/ ... otions.jpg

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:56 am

Kryse wrote:I don't suppose that anyone could tell me why I would get the black goo with this combination? I thought I had everything right :cry:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/ ... otions.jpg

That happened to me too, I thought it was a glitch. For now, try this:

20g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max)
1g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max), then dessicated until Conjuring=274
2g Leafy Slorgblossom: soaked, crushed, desiccated (all to max)

It worked for me.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:58 am

*nods* .. what jirachiex201 said .. i did the same thing (trying to experiment, ingenius me, rather than trusting in the process hehe) .. make sure you max out!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:59 am

Kryse wrote:I don't suppose that anyone could tell me why I would get the black goo with this combination? I thought I had everything right :cry:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/ ... otions.jpg

The conjuring value in your Specral Potion might actually be out of bounds. Even though it shows it as 276, it could be 276.1, making it more than 1 point from the target.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:01 am

jirachiex201 wrote:
Kryse wrote:I don't suppose that anyone could tell me why I would get the black goo with this combination? I thought I had everything right :cry:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/ ... otions.jpg

That happened to me too, I thought it was a glitch. For now, try this:

20g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max)
1g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max), then dessicated until Conjuring=274
2g Leafy Slorgblossom: soaked, crushed, desiccated (all to max)

It worked for me.

Alrighty I'll give it a shot, thanks for the advice.
So it would be 10g 10g and 1g for bloodfern loam then?
I did 777 so that might have been the problem.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:08 am

Jitterro wrote:
Fizzy wrote:
bflammang wrote:Fizzy, when it says the composition can't use more than 3 grams of an ingredient, it means it. That petpage must be wrong.

Thanks. I didn't quite trust it, but I figured I could ask here :)

0_o The jurpleberry solution worked great for me.

Well, I decided to try it, and it worked. So I'm happy :)

Thanks everybody!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:09 am

Kryse wrote:
jirachiex201 wrote:
Kryse wrote:I don't suppose that anyone could tell me why I would get the black goo with this combination? I thought I had everything right :cry:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a174/ ... otions.jpg

That happened to me too, I thought it was a glitch. For now, try this:

20g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max)
1g Bloodfern Loam: soaked and crushed (both to max), then dessicated until Conjuring=274
2g Leafy Slorgblossom: soaked, crushed, desiccated (all to max)

It worked for me.

Alrighty I'll give it a shot, thanks for the advice.
So it would be 10g 10g and 1g for bloodfern loam then?
I did 777 so that might have been the problem.

The divisions don't matter if you max them all out.

I'd suggest that you max out the soaking and the crush on all the bloodfern. Then just max out on any one method on the Slorgblossom. It doesn't matter which one. They'll all place you in the acceptable range.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:19 am

Platinum Mist is NOT 9g Sharpgrass (Dessicated to max) plus 1g Nova Essence (Burned and Crushed to max).

Miscellaneous Composition
Quantity: 10 grams
Conjuring: -16
Divination: +73
Enchantment: +63
Power: +51


I feel like an incompetent witch LOL. :P

EDIT: Switching ingredients in impatience. Now trying Madvine Root and Bloodfern Loam, with this scene in my head of walking through a tree-stumpy peat bog. :oops: Probably time for me to head to sleep soon.
Last edited by anjuna on Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:30 am

Working on Platinum Mist here too...so far, I've been using the Madvine Root and the Bloodfern Loam. They make such a pretty blue...like Platinum. heh I really hate to give up and start this section all over tomorrow, but I don't know how much more of this I can take tonight. Anyone else still working on the Mist-ical potion?
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