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Wed May 16, 2007 6:14 pm

Thank you, weirdguy! I think I have the picture now. 8)

Wed May 16, 2007 6:19 pm

*sigh* i dont know if i like it going quite this slow.. im impatient :roll:

Wed May 16, 2007 6:48 pm

Wind wrote:Anyway, my Rourke Fan Page is set up :P

Yay for Rourke! He's my favorite character in this plot, I wish he was in it more.

Did anybody else notice the suspicious expression on the jub jub's face on the bottom of page one? When they're all deciding they need to get the heck out of there. I think he's up to something...

Wed May 16, 2007 7:17 pm

I noticed that too! The little rascal!!

Wed May 16, 2007 7:30 pm

The poor JubJub isn't in the plot for a long space either :(

Wed May 16, 2007 7:35 pm

Unitylejean wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:We already got hints of Grundo antennae in the last panel of comic 3.

Actually, I think that might have been the overgrown mozzito mommy that has just showed up.

hmmm... I think the 'mummy' petpetpet looks more like a moach than a mozzito but thats just my opinion...

Wed May 16, 2007 7:44 pm

weirdguy wrote:Sloth. No, he's not a homunculi, and I'm not referring to him in the biblical sense. He possesses three hairs on his head, a Grinch styled demeanor (with matching grin), and a small doctorate from who knows where, which is why he is generally referred to as "Dr. Sloth", among other names. Basically your average all around pure evil mad scientist world conquering nut. He tried to fire some sort of laser at the planet we live on a while back that would have enslaved all the inhabitants under mutant mind control, then there was the whole desert war thing slightly more recently (if you consider "ancient" to be a term referring to something recent), and in general he likes to remind us that he exists only to lord over us with his robotic clones, the various mutant potions he's cooked up, and his self declared self proclaiming holiday of honor and destruction.

Oh, and to constantly terrorize us with the consequences of all his past actions. What comes to mind is the failed "Virtupets" experimental prototype, and of course the odd stuff we're dealing with now.

Dr. Sloth also introduced us to Grundos, who despite the fact appear in the Meridell defenders game, were supposedly not from our planet and were taken to be enslaved by Sloth from somewhere else. And then there's the Virtupets Space Station, which appears to be fully functioning save for his absence.

It is suspected that he is behind the long mysterious operation on Kreludor, even though nothing of any occurence has ever been found there, besides the soda machine of DOOM, and the lever of DOOM, both of which point in Dr. Sloth's direction. Almost literally, in the evil money snatching hand's case.

That's basically him in a Brazil nutshell.


Let's not forget the Ski Lodge Mystery either... ;) I rather wonder why the trapped staff never figured out who was behind it, what with his picture all over the walls...

Wed May 16, 2007 8:03 pm

Meer wrote:
Wind wrote:Anyway, my Rourke Fan Page is set up :P

Yay for Rourke! He's my favorite character in this plot, I wish he was in it more.

Did anybody else notice the suspicious expression on the jub jub's face on the bottom of page one? When they're all deciding they need to get the heck out of there. I think he's up to something...

yeah... i've been suspicious ever since we completed the codebreaker puzzle and he was looking pretty sinister.... maybe he's working for a secret organization and wants to sell what they found to make a profit.... or he might just want the credit for finding the island all for himself (glory hound?)... just shots in the dark though ^^

Wed May 16, 2007 9:15 pm

I think the puzzles keep being removed after a certain period of time so that it's tougher for more users to do everything. That way, those who finished earlier get all the good rewards, which is how it usually goes anyway, like how in Mystery Pic the first bunch of people who get it right win. And besides, the puzzles thus far have been fairly easy, so keeping them up for too long would have everyone winning, which shouldn't happen.

Disappointed that the updated comic didn't reveal anything except that there are Petpetpet eggs in the temple thingy and a giant Petpetpet wreaking havoc. But hey, at least it did update, right?

I agree with everyone that the JubJub looks suspicious! He had a weird look on his face when the ring puzzle was finished and the mysterious item was pocketed, and he had a weird look on his face a lot during this newer comic, too. If you missed it, check it out again and you'll see! It looks like he knows something or is hiding something...

Wed May 16, 2007 9:30 pm

ninjic wrote:
Unitylejean wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:We already got hints of Grundo antennae in the last panel of comic 3.

Actually, I think that might have been the overgrown mozzito mommy that has just showed up.

hmmm... I think the 'mummy' petpetpet looks more like a moach than a mozzito but thats just my opinion...

My bad, I was actually thinking about the mantis-like one, but got the names mixed up :oops:

And I agree that Werther is probably up to something. Or should be anyway, 'cause I really want him to be the 'bad guy' 8) Jubjubs should replace Meepits as the epitomy of evil. Something that cute simply HAS to be evil.

Next step

Wed May 16, 2007 9:33 pm

Does anyone think we will have to battle the huge monster petpetpet that was in the temple as the next part of the plot?

Wed May 16, 2007 9:44 pm

Woot, I'm finally done with my 3rd one! *does a happy dance*

I hope everyone is done with theirs as well :]

It's been too long, I'm ready for the next step! X3

Re: Next step

Wed May 16, 2007 10:08 pm

FlamingFlamingo wrote:Does anyone think we will have to battle the huge monster petpetpet that was in the temple as the next part of the plot?

thats what i was thinking was gonna happen but so far and no cigar... or giant buggy thing

Wed May 16, 2007 10:35 pm

I was kinda hoping that when the giant petpetpet attacked, there would be another battle. :( But I guess not. Ah well.

Wed May 16, 2007 11:38 pm

Woohoohoo, new features!! And it's Moach time!! :D
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