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Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:06 pm

keep it going darigan

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:21 pm

afyapardess wrote:
Cranberry wrote:Basically, you want to get as many goals as possible and let your opponents get as few as possible, because if you win 6-4, that's just as bad as winning 2-0. I think it worked differently last year, with effort counting for something, but this year you NEED to win to help your team.

But this disagrees with what one of the Editorials said while PPT was down. The question was whether 'freeloaders' - people who join a team but never play - pull down their team's average. The answer was that they do not, with TNT saying this is 'completely untrue', and that it is not possible to harm your team, only help it. I don't see how that can possibly be true if the scores are being weighted to team membership as we are told they are. My best guess is that they misread the question. I submitted a question of my own to the Editorial about this, but it wasn't answered.

I think you're trying to argue a different point from the one I made. All I said was that a 6-4 win and a 2-0 win are the same -- they both contribute 2 points to your team. Draws and losses count for nothing. That is spelled out very clearly in the official rules.

As for "freeloaders," the game itself works differently this year: scores are tallied up once each day and one of the two teams wins. I would expect that people who don't play at all that day, or who send only draws/losses, don't count at all. I'd imagine there's some kind of weighting going on to make things a bit more fair (maybe), but TNT wouldn't average in anyone who didn't score any points that day.

So, see, the editorial question and the rules don't conflict: Basically, if you want to help your team, you have to play, and you have to win your games. If you don't play ("freeloading"), or play and send only draws/losses, you may as well not exist -- you neither help nor hurt the team. Make sense? :)

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:04 pm

I'm at 329 games of Yooyu Ball, 104 games of Make Some Noise, and 16 games of Slushie Slinger. Can you tell which game I don't like? :P I've been at Rank 5 for days. :( I hope I go up a rank soon!

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:27 pm

Kurisutaru wrote:I'm at 329 games of Yooyu Ball, 104 games of Make Some Noise, and 16 games of Slushie Slinger. Can you tell which game I don't like? :P I've been at Rank 5 for days. :( I hope I go up a rank soon!

Looks like if you play about 9-10 more games of Yooyuball, you'll be going up to rank 6. (your points score is roughly 329 (yyb) + 6.93 (MSN) + 5.33 (SS) = 341.263 ). I believe rank 6 starts at 350 points, so if the rank site is accurate 9-10 games of Yooyuball should do it! ;) Once it starts taking 75 games to move up in rank (or more), it goes a *lot* slower in ranking up. {grumbles}

My personal little gloat: I should be at Rank 8 now :D (I'll hafta double check when I get home, but I sent enough scores to put me well over it last night). I'm hoping to pull up to rank 9 tonight, cause I'll be out of town starting tomorrow until Sunday, and I won't be able to get in anywhere near as many wins as I have been per day (assuming the internet connection at our hotel even works). Yeah for weddings and nothing to do in between the various events.

I started off only doing 25-30 games a day, but the last few days, I've been doing at least 60+ games of Yooyuball per day. I think I calculated that to get all the way to level 20, starting at day one, you'd need to play at least 67 games of Yooyuball per day (or earn 67 rank points a day total from all three games). I don't think I have a prayer of reaching the highest level since I undercut for quite some time, but I'm sure going to do my best!

Go Rooligans!!

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:38 pm

Cranberry wrote:I think you're trying to argue a different point from the one I made. All I said was that a 6-4 win and a 2-0 win are the same -- they both contribute 2 points to your team. Draws and losses count for nothing. That is spelled out very clearly in the official rules.
I wasn't trying to argue with you. :) You just reminded me of something I had been meaning to puzzle over once PPT was back up. Eh, it's confusing... let's look at it upside down. Although it's definitely not possible to lower your team's total when you lose or draw, I'm pondering whether it's possible to bring down the team weighted average (and therefore its score for the day) by a) playing but not winning, or b) not playing at all. I hadn't meant to derail your own point about the basic per-game score, which as you said is spelled out nice and clearly in the rules.
Cranberry wrote:I would expect that people who don't play at all that day, or who send only draws/losses, don't count at all. I'd imagine there's some kind of weighting going on to make things a bit more fair (maybe), but TNT wouldn't average in anyone who didn't score any points that day.
I hadn't thought of that possibility. I really hope there IS weighting going on, or it would trample all over what TNT were at pains to emphasise last year about how the popular teams have no advantage over the teams with fewer players. If that theory's right, it looks like the worst thing you can do for your team is play one or two games, win by a small margin, then quit for the day. Better not to play at all and leave yourself out of the average.

Or something...? o_O

Maybe I should only play when I'm sure I have time to win a fair few games on that day.

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:52 pm

has anyone posted a list of what it takes to rise to each level? i'd like to know what to aim for...

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:49 pm

cleo_brimstone wrote:has anyone posted a list of what it takes to rise to each level? i'd like to know what to aim for...

Yep, I did a while back:
Pickles wrote:For ranks, this site seems to be pretty accurate so far:
I'm not 100% sure - some people are saying that Slushie is only worth 1/4 a point per game instead of 1/3, so there's no telling.

To explain a little further:
This is only for your PERSONAL rank, not your team's. This will change the shield you see on the games page.
Each game gives you a certain number of points. According to the site above, a Yooyuball win gives you 1 point, a draw gives you 1/3 points per game; each Slushie game gives you either 1/3 or 1/4 points per game; and each Make Some Noise game gives you 1/15 points per game. Your total number of points of all three games combined gives you your rank points.
At this point, I still haven't heard one way or the other on the SS exact points. There is also speculation that SS and MSN have a cut-off score, so that if you don't score above it, you don't get points towards your rank, thus preventing people from sending multiple minimum scores on either and getting credit for it.

Hope that helps.

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:15 pm

thanks for the link its soooo useful!
meh ive only played 15 games today, 280 more games to go.........*tra la la la la*

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:18 pm

Pickles wrote:Looks like if you play about 9-10 more games of Yooyuball, you'll be going up to rank 6. (your points score is roughly 329 (yyb) + 6.93 (MSN) + 5.33 (SS) = 341.263 ). I believe rank 6 starts at 350 points, so if the rank site is accurate 9-10 games of Yooyuball should do it! ;) Once it starts taking 75 games to move up in rank (or more), it goes a *lot* slower in ranking up. {grumbles}

My personal little gloat: I should be at Rank 8 now :D (I'll hafta double check when I get home, but I sent enough scores to put me well over it last night). I'm hoping to pull up to rank 9 tonight, cause I'll be out of town starting tomorrow until Sunday, and I won't be able to get in anywhere near as many wins as I have been per day (assuming the internet connection at our hotel even works).

If only I had played a little longer last night! :P Thanks for the info Pickles, I appreciate it. :) My intention used to be to try to go up one rank each day, but some days I simply don't have time or feel well enough (too much computer gives me headaches).

Congrats on Rank 8! :o Someone in my guild is at Rank 7 and she said it took her forever. You must have worked long and hard to get up to rank 8. :)

Also in terms of todays standings, it appears that Mystery Island beat Krawk Island. I definitely wasn't expecting that!

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:43 pm

ellamcumber wrote:meh ive only played 15 games today, 280 more games to go.........*tra la la la la*
You're seriously still going for your 150 games a day target? Wow - quite a daunting challenge, seven and a half hours of Yooyuball per day, solid, not including breaks. And today your target'll take you close on fifteen solid hours. Are you planning on sleeping this summer? :P

Pickles, kudos to you too for your rank! That's quite a feat. I've just had another look at the shields and set Rank 9 as my target by the end of the Cup - the first rank with a shiny bronze shield rather than a crappy-looking stone one - but that means I'm going to have to clock up 600 wins in my limited spare time, which is 450 more than I currently have. Bye-bye, weekends. :zzz:

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:51 pm

Kurisutaru wrote:Also in terms of todays standings, it appears that Mystery Island beat Krawk Island. I definitely wasn't expecting that!

I myself am not entirely surprised. The longer the tournament goes on the more and more Krawk Island begins to slip, mainly due to so many people getting tired of playing. I myself am finding it more and more difficult to make myself play lol. Ah well if we don't get in the final 4 the team still gave a very good run.. especially in the beginning.

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:14 am

Your score of 6,682 in Make Some Noise has been reviewed and accepted.

You have been awarded 1,000 neopoints. If you qualified for an avatar, that has also been awarded.

Your score of 8,088 in Make Some Noise has been reviewed and accepted.

You have been awarded 1,000 neopoints. If you qualified for an avatar, that has also been awarded.

Silly nmails, I know it is an automatic response, but I have scored higher and those scores never were checked.

I am now Level 7 but work commitments are really hampering my playing time. I hope to at least get to level 13, which is the start of the silver shield.

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:18 am

Thanks, yall! It has taken a long time to get there (and several movies running in the background to keep myself from realizing how much time has passed).
I was also surprised that Mystery Island beat out Krawk Island! And Darigan drew on one of the other games...that surprised me as well. Hopefully Roo will keep up the endurance!
Now...back to alternating between packing and Yooyuballing...

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:22 am

Krawkster wrote:
Kurisutaru wrote:Also in terms of todays standings, it appears that Mystery Island beat Krawk Island. I definitely wasn't expecting that!

I myself am not entirely surprised. The longer the tournament goes on the more and more Krawk Island begins to slip, mainly due to so many people getting tired of playing. I myself am finding it more and more difficult to make myself play lol. Ah well if we don't get in the final 4 the team still gave a very good run.. especially in the beginning.

Aw, well that's why I'm here. I didn't really push in the beginning, so i'll pick up some of the slack now! :D I feel like I owe it to the team.

Either way, it's been fun! Even if we don't win, we were quite a threat for awhile there. :D
I just can't get myself to play more of that Slushie Game.. arrgh.. it takes SO long.

Re: Altador Cup Split 3

Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:32 am

Last year, when you can see your wins as you go, I made 50 wins a day.
I'm nowhere near that this year.
I'm happy if I do 10.

Here's a rambling thought.

Each game is 3 minutes long.
That means you can, theoretically, win 20 games an hour.
To reach Level 20 you need a minimum of 1850 points.
So, with Yooyo ball alone, that is 92 1/2 hours of game time.
There are 16 teams. If we play each team twice,
and then play a single final round, that's 33 games total.
If each round is just one day long, that is 33 days.
That would mean you need to play 2.8 hours a day
to reach the bare minimum for level 20. Ouch.
Last edited by stampsyne on Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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