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Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:24 pm

In my opinion, the ones with the O are actually easier than the ones without.

agree totally on that one, they are much easier and less time consuming.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:49 pm

AySz88 wrote:X = 1 mod n
V = 2 mod n
C = 3 mod n
8 = 4 mod n
P = 5 mod n (this symbol is also known as mushroom)
Z = 6 mod n (if necessary)
O = 7 mod n (if necessary)
...where n is the number of symbols.
- 2-mod puzzles have 5 different symbols
- 3-mod puzzles (without O) have 6 symbols
- 3-mod puzzles (with O) have 7 symbols[/size]

These numbers don't work for me. i've been using
x 4
p 6
c 5
v 1
8 2
z 3
o 7
and they've worked on all i've tested, but i tried your numbers and they didnt work...

Edit: Actually the numbers i've posted above worked for one of my puzzles, which i just solved, but now i've moved onto a different one they're not working...

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:45 am

Oh it figures that a new plot would start as soon as I get sick, so sick I don't get out of bed for a week and a half. Some how I thought this would happen.
I have so much to get caught up on! *falls over and dies*

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:56 am

ok so i finally finished all the codes. now i'm on the final level with the guards. neopets is really learning how to test/try my patience. arg.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:16 am

larph wrote:ok so i finally finished all the codes. now i'm on the final level with the guards. neopets is really learning how to test/try my patience. arg.

The mazes really aren't that bad. If you were patient enough to get through the mods, you can easily get through this. What you want to do is avoid the garoos and lie in wait for them. Jump back and forth in a safe nook and wait for a garoo to come near you. When they do, pounce on top of them taking them out. Its odd, but I found the 5th (last) maze to be MUCH easier than the one before it.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:21 am

i finally managed to get a 3 mod one...but i got 4 3 mod ones with the 0 symbol, got threw 2 of them so far but havent got the right message yet, i may end up giving up i dont have hours to spend on each one to try and get it :(

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:34 am

Locetic wrote:i finally managed to get a 3 mod one...but i got 4 3 mod ones with the 0 symbol, got threw 2 of them so far but havent got the right message yet, i may end up giving up i dont have hours to spend on each one to try and get it :(

Just keep at it. Take breaks and such. You don't have to be right on the front lines of the plot. You'll get it eventually just take your time.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:03 am

The codes took me about 4 solid days of clicking and note-taking.
Then - all of the mazes took about 8 minutes. Total. I honestly thought something was wrong. All of the Garoo guards were just shuffling back and forth and were never in my way - what the HECK?

I would feel guilty if it weren't for the codes being so difficult. I almost gave up. But I would like to encourage everyone to keep at it, because it's very personally satisfying to finally legitimately "solve" the puzzles! :hug:

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:20 am

Ok, sorry if this was already covered, but for puzzle two, can I close the window with my coded and uncoded messages without having to do all the puzzles over? Or should I just write down the correct mods just in case? I have it 2/3's of the way done and I'd rather not lose hours of work.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:25 am

You can close the window and come back later. That would be a new level of cruel if you had to do them all in one go.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:32 am

ChaosShadow wrote:You can close the window and come back later. That would be a new level of cruel if you had to do them all in one go.

=Grin= Thank you. Though for the record, I am starting to think this puzzle is already a new level of cruel.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:44 am

You would be right. I was working on them in all my free time up until a couple of days ago. Still had five of the three-mods left when I found the correct Commander Garoo message.

But look forward to the 'mazes'; they're cake compared to the living hell that was the decoding puzzles.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:54 am

i just went threw all the codes for my 3rd one with the 0 symbol, and am guessing i missed one because none worked. so i guess i have to start that one over and see if i can figure it out. ive been working on them since they came out, i hate this step lol

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:11 am


I've been insanely busy, and only realized a plot was afoot last night. I had a lot of catching up to do. Do you realize that the big codes have over 24,000 possible combinations? (Granted, not all of those are necessarily unique, but still....) Even after the process of elimination, there's a lot of clicking and dragging.

The mazes weren't so bad. I played dirty, moving back and forth in safe spots until guards came by, then whacking them over the head. In the later puzzles, I didn't even bother trying to reach the goal until I had taken out most of the guards. I think that's easier than trying to dodge them.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 7]

Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:06 am

forcesinbalance wrote:The mazes weren't so bad. I played dirty, moving back and forth in safe spots until guards came by, then whacking them over the head. In the later puzzles, I didn't even bother trying to reach the goal until I had taken out most of the guards. I think that's easier than trying to dodge them.

I pretended that the guards were responsible for step two. :evil:
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