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Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:12 pm

I am a high lvl dyslexic and I dont know how to figure out this key and target thing can you explain it in idiots terms so I can understand?

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:18 pm

I found this visual code to mod3s. I hope it helps:


Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:21 pm

I can do the lvl 1 mods, its lvl 2 I am confused with and 3 of course, break down in lamens?

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:24 pm

I'm not sure how else to explain it that hasn't already been done. The picture guide Daze posted is pretty good, though. ;)

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:26 pm

Use this is works: http://www.neopets.com/~KyootestLenny

X refers back to the top.

Neomail user for additional questions? She will not hold your hand and help you.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:33 pm

I didnt ask for hand holding just some explanation.

I'll give these links a try and thanks to those trying to help me get unconfused.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:44 pm

Is anybody else having problems with this?

When I go to Resistance Headquarters
where gorix and cylara are talking then I go to where it shows this Image I've click on the box to type 4 in it but nothing happens all I get is the box. I even turned off my adblock and cookies still nothing. I use internet explore 7 because when I use opera to login to neopets it keeps login me off.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:47 pm

Sylence wrote:I am a high lvl dyslexic and I dont know how to figure out this key and target thing can you explain it in idiots terms so I can understand?

Do please write theneopetsteam and let them know so they can somehow modify your plot puzzles. They may be able to make a concession and give you some hints. If you live alone I feel sorry for you. You should be doing this with another person sitting next to you.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:48 pm

cherrylimeade wrote:Is anybody else having problems with this?

When I go to Resistance Headquarters
where gorix and cylara are talking then I go to where it shows this Image I've click on the box to type 4 in it but nothing happens all I get is the box. I even turned off my adblock and cookies still nothing. I use internet explore 7 because when I use opera to login to neopets it keeps login me off.

I use IE7 and had no problems.

Are you using your number keys (top of letters) and not your keypad?
Some people are also saying they cannot do it on a laptop - I don't have one, so I cannot confirm.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:48 pm

cherrylimeade wrote:Is anybody else having problems with this?

When I go to Resistance Headquarters
where gorix and cylara are talking then I go to where it shows this Image I've click on the box to type 4 in it but nothing happens all I get is the box. I even turned off my adblock and cookies still nothing. I use internet explore 7 because when I use opera to login to neopets it keeps login me off.

Try clicking inside the box (again - took 3 times once for it to register for me), and make sure to use the numbers above the letters on your keyboard - the numpad doesn't seem to work inside the window.
Last edited by Pickles on Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:48 pm

Press 4 then 2. Find the 1 mods first and then the 2 mods. 3 mods are for last.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:51 pm

Thanks everybody I've finally got it to work now all have to do is decode the messages,which may take me forever to solve cause I'm terrible at math.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:58 pm

Cilian wrote:Does anybody have any tips for the 3 modifiers 6-10 (with the 0)? Without a key I'm kind of flying blind and any advice would be much appreciated.

I actually took the time yesterday to figure out all the solutions for Key V, Target X, with O as a possible symbol. I can post them if they would be helpful to you. (Thankfully, the puzzle I needed to solve in order to finish this step had Key V, Target X as part of the code, so I only mapped out that one possibility.) If you don't have that in your code, you're probably just going to have to find a key/target combo that occurs in all your codes, and map that using the same process you use to test out codes. The way I did it was I tried all triple letters first, then double letters, (CCO, CCV, etc.) then I finished with the single letters. It takes a while, but once you have them figured out you can use them for all the codes with O as a possible symbol.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:33 pm

amarise wrote:I actually took the time yesterday to figure out all the solutions for Key V, Target X, with O as a possible symbol. I can post them if they would be helpful to you. (Thankfully, the puzzle I needed to solve in order to finish this step had Key V, Target X as part of the code, so I only mapped out that one possibility.) If you don't have that in your code, you're probably just going to have to find a key/target combo that occurs in all your codes, and map that using the same process you use to test out codes. The way I did it was I tried all triple letters first, then double letters, (CCO, CCV, etc.) then I finished with the single letters. It takes a while, but once you have them figured out you can use them for all the codes with O as a possible symbol.

I've got the same type of thing (I was bored, and thought I'd help out my insanely busy husband by finding which combinations he'll need to try tonight).
In spoiler tags, since the list is long:
Key O, target value V
Key O, target value 8
Key X, target value 8
Key T, target value C
Key V, target value X Credit: amarise

Please note, these are for the Military Comms (7-variable - WITH O) puzzles and will not work for the other 3-variable ones.
I would be willing to add to this list - it doesn't take me too long to figure all the possibilities out, now that I've had Base-7 explained to me. If there's a specific combination you need (Military Comms only, please - there's lists already for the others), feel free to PM me with the Key and Target Value (one set at at time), and I'll try to get you back a list of combinations to try as soon as possible.

Edit: Added amarise's chart to spoiler. Thanks, amarise!
Last edited by Pickles on Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Return of Dr Sloth [Split 5]

Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:54 pm

damn, mod3 puzzles are insane. TNT is such an evil entity... they put 10 of them! That means half the puzzles are mod3. Now that's just great.
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