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Haunted Woods Plot General Discussion (Split #35)

Tue Nov 07, 2006 10:28 pm

Previous: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30174

Walkthrough so far: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29932

Rollin' Rollin'!

hope for the weakest pets

Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:32 pm

The third wave is indeed more stronger. It appears many neopets weren't strong enough to continue battling. However if we look back at the Lost Desert Plot, it was all out effort by evrybody including weak pets that helped defeated the boss or top villain. So pets of about 80 hp ended up getting a big score (100,100) for a single fight. I know I was one of these pet.
The message? There's hope for event the weakest pet in this plot.

Since then I went for an attack, defence and hit points total of around 160 hp to 775 hp within a year.

Re: hope for the weakest pets

Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:10 am

master_cat wrote:The third wave is indeed more stronger. It appears many neopets weren't strong enough to continue battling. However if we look back at the Lost Desert Plot, it was all out effort by evrybody including weak pets that helped defeated the boss or top villain. So pets of about 80 hp ended up getting a big score (100,100) for a single fight. I know I was one of these pet.
The message? There's hope for event the weakest pet in this plot.

Since then I went for an attack, defence and hit points total of around 160 hp to 775 hp within a year.


The scores in the LDP had nothing to do with battle dome fights, with the exception of the instant tie/win against the big boss. The scores depended on the parts of the plot you completed.

Are you saying you've increased your attack defense and hit points from a total of the three equaling 160, to a total of 775? Impressive for the time span. (Mainly as that's more commitment than I've made to training in the last year)

Re: hope for the weakest pets

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:30 am

master_cat wrote:The third wave is indeed more stronger. It appears many neopets weren't strong enough to continue battling. However if we look back at the Lost Desert Plot, it was all out effort by evrybody including weak pets that helped defeated the boss or top villain. So pets of about 80 hp ended up getting a big score (100,100) for a single fight. I know I was one of these pet.
The message? There's hope for event the weakest pet in this plot.

Since then I went for an attack, defence and hit points total of around 160 hp to 775 hp within a year.

Mmm, but that score was everyone. And you only got a certain amount of points for it in the grand scheme of things. The reason low HP pets were able to defeat Razul (was that his name? o.O) was that it was set up that way. You could only win if you had the weapon from the tomb. If you used that weapon against him, you won instantly.

The thing is, if your pet is too weak to fight, bow out gracefully. Losses don't count towards points; they only lag up the Battledome. I'm sure everyone's noticed how much calmer the BD is - certainly, there is still some lag, but it is nowhere near as bad as when the first wave was around. Dirtside, aka Mr. Insane, has posted on the boards, telling people not to fight just because they can, when their pets are so weak that they die on the first blast.

That's not to say you haven't put a considerable effort into training. I'm impressed ;) But I'm just pointing out that the 100,100 points were there for a reason, and there was a reason weak pets could beat that challenger. I'd love to have a weapon that'd blast all enemies like that in one hit, but it looks like that won't happen anytime soon XD

Re: hope for the weakest pets

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:30 am

Alex wrote:
master_cat wrote:The third wave is indeed more stronger. It appears many neopets weren't strong enough to continue battling. However if we look back at the Lost Desert Plot, it was all out effort by evrybody including weak pets that helped defeated the boss or top villain. So pets of about 80 hp ended up getting a big score (100,100) for a single fight. I know I was one of these pet.
The message? There's hope for event the weakest pet in this plot.

Since then I went for an attack, defence and hit points total of around 160 hp to 775 hp within a year.

Mmm, but that score was everyone. And you only got a certain amount of points for it in the grand scheme of things. The reason low HP pets were able to defeat Razul (was that his name? o.O) was that it was set up that way. You could only win if you had the weapon from the tomb. If you used that weapon against him, you won instantly.

The thing is, if your pet is too weak to fight, bow out gracefully. Losses don't count towards points; they only lag up the Battledome. I'm sure everyone's noticed how much calmer the BD is - certainly, there is still some lag, but it is nowhere near as bad as when the first wave was around. Dirtside, aka Mr. Insane, has posted on the boards, telling people not to fight just because they can, when their pets are so weak that they die on the first blast.

That's not to say you haven't put a considerable effort into training. I'm impressed ;) But I'm just pointing out that the 100,100 points were there for a reason, and there was a reason weak pets could beat that challenger. I'd love to have a weapon that'd blast all enemies like that in one hit, but it looks like that won't happen anytime soon XD

If you have stats that total 775, you should definitely be able to beat some of these guys. Mine only add to 450 or so and I've already beaten Disgruntled Townspeople 3 times.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:36 am

Hmm.. So, they've released new challengers.. But i don't see anything about a new comic or anything.. Has anyone spotted anything new that related to these shadows?

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:37 am

So it seems like the whole plot will be over on Friday, maybe? It seemed to go by so fast!

Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:33 am

hmm, I was hoping that fighting wasn't going to be a big part of this plot - my best pet is pretty lousy. Level 16, 67 hp and a bunch of beginner weapons and snowballs don't count for much against these waves. wish I had more defense; the shrieking shadow can take me out in two hits even though I managed a draw with it once.

Re: hope for the weakest pets

Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:49 am

If you have stats that total 775, you should definitely be able to beat some of these guys. Mine only add to 450 or so and I've already beaten Disgruntled Townspeople 3 times.[/quote]

I was trying to give the weakest pets some hope. For the 3rd wave, I did have respective wins of 60 wins vs Herman Dorfdrap , 25 wins vs Bennie the Jub and finally 10 wins against the Disgruntled Townspeople.

I don't consider myself that much an experienced battler but I wanted to show how an intensive year of training with codestone could achieve some results. My pet is not that strong but it got much better and could get some results.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:14 am

polomoche wrote:So it seems like the whole plot will be over on Friday, maybe? It seemed to go by so fast!

There is no evidence or reason to suggest the plot will be over by Friday.

We still have to cure the townsfolk of the curse - unless it is lifted by defeating Mr. Krawley in the Battledome (no idea if he will be a challenger).

I think we might get another step after battling before we finish - in the last chapter, Gilly chases Mr Krawley into the mansion. There is something in there she needs.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:15 am

I managed to beat the disgruntled townspeople with stats that total 340... but they are hideously skewed in the favour of HP by the lab...

Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:51 am

Arggg! The townspeople weren't there long enough for me to get to them. :(

Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:53 am

____amanda wrote:Arggg! The townspeople weren't there long enough for me to get to them. :(

The last wave are still there as well as the next wave:

Herman Dorfdrap
Bennie the Jub
Disgruntled Townspeople
Shrieking Shadow
Creeping Shadows
Malevolent Shadow

so you can still battle the Townspeople if you want to. :)

Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:06 pm


This gives me ample opportunity to max out on at least some challengers

*does a little dance of happiness*

Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:29 pm

Good, new challengers :)
Though it's weird that the 3rd wave stays.
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