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4th wave:The Shadows

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:27 am

news jus up.3 more new opponents.
Shrieking Shadow 50 +0
Creeping Shadows 75 +0
Malevolent Shadow 150 +0

strange thing is that TNT did not remove the 3rd wave challengers....and its easier than previous wave.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:28 am

They all seem to be pretty easy to beat. So far only the Malevolent shadow healed while I was battling it.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:32 am


They've got less HP?

Gotta be some catch. *waits for BD to lag up again*

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:32 am

Actually, unless it's just me they bring me down 80 hp each round with thier items, as well as block my 60-70 damage to them. Any item suggestions?

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:35 am

Lag is back, although it doesn't appear to be too bad.

I managed to beat the first challenger once so far (one shot), but don't remember how much damage it caused me. Somehwere in the range of 65-70hp, I think. No freezer that round, but I'm not sure yet.

EDIT: Lol. Appears they haven't yet uploaded all the images. I keep getting red crosses.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:51 am

They're definetely dealing out more HP (I got hit with a 61 decrease), but they're not impossible to beat. The lack of freezers helps a LOT.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:53 am

True. They appear to block alot of physical, light, dark and earth damage.. (isn't that all of the elements?!) xD, as well as dish out a good amount of dark and physical and earth damage.

No freezers, sometimes their AI goes really defencive and you can probably dish out maybe 9 dmg, depending on your pet (mine could only dish out 9-12 out of a possible 75).

Good luck guys, I think i'm done cause the lag came back :{

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:54 am

Well, Kilroy will have to wait, then. I'm joining the lag.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:55 am

The first one has a thick smoke bomb that blocks everything.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:56 am

I'm starting to think that TNT screwed up and switched the two waves around. I can't see why these would be harder than the previous wave.

Lag isn't shocking yet either.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:57 am

Heh, just when my poor Koi thought he'd get a break. :P He's my battling pet, true, but he hasn't done this many battles in such a short period of time before.

*hugs him*

*and his well-used Bow of Destiny*

*no, I'm NOT rich, won that from NQII Insane*

Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:58 am

Alex wrote:I'm starting to think that TNT screwed up and switched the two waves around. I can't see why these would be harder than the previous wave.

Lag isn't shocking yet either.

And I think the last wave is still there, so if you'd rather beat the townsfolk, get to it.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:00 am

background_noise wrote:
Alex wrote:I'm starting to think that TNT screwed up and switched the two waves around. I can't see why these would be harder than the previous wave.

Lag isn't shocking yet either.

And I think the last wave is still there, so if you'd rather beat the townsfolk, get to it.

Pass, thanks ;) Was maxed out on them already, and losing twice to the Disgruntled Townspeople is enough for me. I have my poor pet to think of!

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:01 am

Yup, this wave's DEFINITELY easier.

Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:01 am

FireFaerie wrote:True. They appear to block alot of physical, light, dark and earth damage.. (isn't that all of the elements?!) xD, as well as dish out a good amount of dark and physical and earth damage.

Fire, water, air are the other three elements. :)

I like that they do a lot of dark... I can put that Ring of the Lost I haven't been using to good use once they get tough.

TNT has released weaker waves after stronger waves before... sometimes they like to give weaker pets another chance to fight. Possibly they wanted to do this round earlier, but put in the harder one first to cut down on lag. In any case, it's nice... we can rack up more points!
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