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HW Plot Part: Sophie's Lab

Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:30 am

Whew. What an adventure.

Walkthrough Updated: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29932

Please yell upon the thread for mistakes caused by the lack-of-brain power after having gone thru this fun fun fun fun fun adventure.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:55 am

What kind of colours have you all seen when mixing?

I have this one right now

It appears to have a ghost glow. This is how my second composition for level 3 looks like. How does your second composition on level 3 look like?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:59 am

allnameswereout wrote:What kind of colours have you all seen when mixing?

I have this one right now

It appears to have a ghost glow. This is how my second composition for level 3 looks like. How does your second composition on level 3 look like?

my second one looks like that also.

I have a theory for the first but I need to go to bed and can't work on it. If any one would like to try::
mixing ingredients with +values with ingredients with - values to get zeros as answers. I don't even know if it is possible... Maybe I will try tomorrow if the answer isn't found yet.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:59 am

Just like that, only blue

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:04 am

Phew, what a lot of work this is. It's a good thing I'm home sick (never thought I'd see being sick as a good think :P) I would never had enough time to mess with all of this in after work hours.
I just made my second recipe work, my mewclops grew a bearog head. I'll rest a little now and try the third round after that.
My thanks to all the people who help out at these boards, it's wonderfull to see so see everyone trying to help :)

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:06 am

Just come back from dinner - any news on the spectral essence?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:15 am

this last ingredient for me to try my first lvl 2 concoction is driving me insane!

I cant get anything past 78 or so and I need it in the upper 80's to even have chance -screams-

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:21 am

Sylence wrote:this last ingredient for me to try my first lvl 2 concoction is driving me insane!

I cant get anything past 78 or so and I need it in the upper 80's to even have chance -screams-

What about upping the levels on one of your other ingredients?
Work out the equation first to see if it'll work for you.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:21 am

*sigh* *twiddles thumbs* *waits for someone to figure it out*

I've done the first two recipes, and I have my Composite #2 on the third recipe. Now I just need to know what Spectral Essence is so I can add 25 grams of it. I don't even know where to begin!

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:27 am

Katdragon wrote:
Sylence wrote:this last ingredient for me to try my first lvl 2 concoction is driving me insane!

I cant get anything past 78 or so and I need it in the upper 80's to even have chance -screams-

What about upping the levels on one of your other ingredients?
Work out the equation first to see if it'll work for you.

I've already combined items one and two

10 of baguss and 10 of that sparkly grass stuff

this leaves me the bumroot and leafy to work with.

I cant add more then 10 of any ingredient so I am kinda stuck with working these last two items. to get the stupic sparkly item one to 90 took me almost 2 hrs -screams-


this has driven me insane, would someone like to trade brains with me so I can somehow figure where I've gone wrong?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:38 am

Just tried out Fetch to see if it would ask me to find Spectral Essence but after refreshing loads on all 3 levels it never asked me for it. So rejoice, no fetch this round ;)

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:47 am

I need some math help.

item one and 2 both made it to 90. so they are merged with a power listed of 90.

Sophie wants me to get it to 89 +/- 5

what do I need to get my third item at and can merge it in at and still keep it within this range?

I dont wanna guesstimate wrong

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:53 am

Sylence wrote:I need some math help.

item one and 2 both made it to 90. so they are merged with a power listed of 90.

Sophie wants me to get it to 89 +/- 5

what do I need to get my third item at and can merge it in at and still keep it within this range?

I dont wanna guesstimate wrong

Anything between about 80-100.

Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:55 am

I am on the LAST option here and got one at 74 and the other to 76 so far so I am UBER praying!

76 and 78 now

-fingers cross MORE-

78 on both and it died on me

no more options

if others havent done this I'd swear it wasnt possible.

and here I dared hope 90/90/78 divided by 3 made a 86 see thts my level of math.

I am sad I cant get one anywhere near 80

Okay, I now wonder is there some kinda trick to make the conjur power dealie thing go higher? I never have trouble on conjur its on the power I have the troubles and since so many made it to level 3 maybe one of ya'll can advise? or is it sheer dumb luck?

Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:09 am

darkscarlett wrote:
allnameswereout wrote:What kind of colours have you all seen when mixing?

I have this one right now

It appears to have a ghost glow. This is how my second composition for level 3 looks like. How does your second composition on level 3 look like?

my second one looks like that also.

I have a theory for the first but I need to go to bed and can't work on it. If any one would like to try::
mixing ingredients with +values with ingredients with - values to get zeros as answers. I don't even know if it is possible... Maybe I will try tomorrow if the answer isn't found yet.

mine looks like that, but blue. it still has the ghost-like mist around it too. i combined crushed jurpleberries, sharp whatever, baggus stuff, and leafy thingie, each 3g. and no, getting 25g of crushed jurpleberries with 180 of each attribute does not work...
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