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HW Plot Part: Sophie's Lab (Split #7)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:32 pm

Walkthrough so far: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30303

Previous thread: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30307

Anti-Gravitic Goo FOUND!

* 4g of Babaa Wool
* 3g of Crushed Jurpleberries
* 3g of Bagguss Pulp
= BURN and CRUSH each, all to the MAX.
(NOTE: This is for Stage 4)

Anti-Gravity Goo - Stage 5 - FOUND!
* 4g Babaa Wool - Crushed
* 2g Bagguss Pulp - Crushed, Burned, Soaked, Dessicated
* 2g Crushed Jurpleberries - Burn, Crushed, Soaked
* 2g Crushed Jurpleberries - Crushed, Soaked
= All actions to the MAX!

Ice Plasma FOUND!
* 1g Bumroot
* 1g Sharpgrass
* 1g Nova
= BURN and CRUSH each, all to the MAX.
Then add
* 7g Sharpgrass
= Do NOTHING to this, except add it.
Last edited by Runevalkyrie on Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:34 pm

Can someone help me out with Step Two? Does this all look right to you?

Composite #1:

Quantity: 19 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +43 +/- 5

Composite #2:

Quantity: 25 grams
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +90 +/- 5

Composite 2 cannot contain more than 10 grams of any one basic ingredient.

Composite #1

Item used: Baguss Pulp

10g @ +43
9g @ +43

43+43= 86
86/2= 43 (Divination)

Composite #2

Items Used: Leafy Slorgblossom, Sharpgrass, Bumroot

10g @ 138
10g @ 78
5g @ 13

[(10*138) +(10*78) + (5*13)] / 25
[(1380) + (780) + (65)] / 25
[(2225)] / 25
= 89 (Power)

It looks right to me but isn't working when I throw the two components in.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:41 pm

Could it be possible that those items arent the needed ones for your potion?

My friend ran into problems with level one that baggus wasnt her item but bumroot was.

Maybe one of the items you are using isnt the right one? Or maybe you have to be closer on your mark for it to cooperate?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:43 pm

Question: in the past, I've always used all different ingredients when it said 'Composite x cannot contain more than y grams of any one basic ingredient.'.

But now this page, which has been enormously helpful, by the way, brings forth something called 'Jurpleberry Method' - in which I would use 4*3 grams of Jurpleberries to make a composite of 12 grams which 'cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient'. Is this right? Does adding it one at a time make it ok? I mean, it still contains 12 grams of Jurpleberries, and I'd hate to see my AGG and SE go to waste.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:45 pm

Pardona, if I were you I wouldn't risk it. ><

If anyone's interested, I have this spreadsheet I could upload. You can enter in the amount of ingredient you use and the degree the action is done to (0 for nothing and 1 for max). It'll then give you the rough value of the individual stats for each ingredient when you're done with your actions, as well as the approximate time you'll have to do it for (if you say do 0.8 of the max time of an action), and the final stats value of your composite. It'll calculate for all four values simultaneously.

I have a screenie, just click here. As you can see, it's a little cluttered, and small because I zoomed out so you can see everything, but the important stuff is all in black on the first worksheet, and the non-impt stuff is grey, you don't really need to see it.

I'm not too sure about the time thing, it's based on my observations that it takes about 30s to burn one gram of stuff, 60 to crush etc, and time is multiplied by number of grams. I asked about this in the previous split, but swoosh, locked. o___0 Can anyone help poor me out and confirm this?
Last edited by draconis on Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:46 pm

pardona_ii wrote:Question: in the past, I've always used all different ingredients when it said 'Composite x cannot contain more than y grams of any one basic ingredient.'.

But now this page, which has been enormously helpful, by the way, brings forth something called 'Jurpleberry Method' - in which I would use 4*3 grams of Jurpleberries to make a composite of 12 grams which 'cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient'. Is this right? Does adding it one at a time make it ok? I mean, it still contains 12 grams of Jurpleberries, and I'd hate to see my AGG and SE go to waste.

It has worked for some people on the neoboards, but for some people they get the black goo. Personally, I would do it a different way just to be safe.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:48 pm

laurenb wrote:
pardona_ii wrote:Question: in the past, I've always used all different ingredients when it said 'Composite x cannot contain more than y grams of any one basic ingredient.'.

But now this page, which has been enormously helpful, by the way, brings forth something called 'Jurpleberry Method' - in which I would use 4*3 grams of Jurpleberries to make a composite of 12 grams which 'cannot contain more than 3 grams of any one basic ingredient'. Is this right? Does adding it one at a time make it ok? I mean, it still contains 12 grams of Jurpleberries, and I'd hate to see my AGG and SE go to waste.

It has worked for some people on the neoboards, but for some people they get the black goo. Personally, I would do it a different way just to be safe.

Thanks, that's all I needed to know. Not going to take any chances.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:48 pm

when it can not comtain more then # grams of an ingredient thats the maximum of any one ingredient you can use. so if it says a max of 3 grams 12 grams total of jurple would be over 3 and cause you to get goo I'd wager

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:51 pm

Sylence wrote:Could it be possible that those items arent the needed ones for your potion?

My friend ran into problems with level one that baggus wasnt her item but bumroot was.

Maybe one of the items you are using isnt the right one? Or maybe you have to be closer on your mark for it to cooperate?

Well how can someone determine what is the right item? Its not asking for specifics. I think if there was a right and wrong item in step two, that would make things way too complicated, unto which all these guides are wrong. I even followed SierraSea's guide to the letter and still nothing.

Not sure why I have to be closer to the mark if its within the +/- target. UGH! This is frustrating. :x

Thanks for replying though.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:54 pm

I tried using Sierra's and ran into errors a few of the numerics listed there have sadly proven not correct at all.

I am looking over some other ones to try to find you some numbers

this is your level 2 right?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:54 pm

Do you think crying into my cauldron will help?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:57 pm

Yep.... level 2 - step 2.... whichever you prefer. :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:02 pm

my frind Mak says can you try to get your second componenet in any closer to the exact number.. sometimes it can be uber finicky.

He is working on his charts to find you something that will nab up to the exact second numerics though, but so far no success.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:04 pm

Personally, I'd say "Potion 2".

Also, I have a simpler spreadsheet just for calculating final properties from current properties.

It was useful in Potions 1 and 2, but now with having simple set formulas for everything done while I sleep...

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:08 pm

Flipsyde, I think you may have been looking at the wrong stat when you did your composite two. Going by SierraSea and the_cenial_one's petpages, Leafy Slorgblossom can't exceed a 78 on power, even if you max out all the actions. Perhaps that's what went wrong?

Anyway, I've uploaded the spreadsheet I mentioned earlier here. It's only good for, I think, a week. and limited downloads.
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