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Future plot speculation

Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:54 pm

What do you guys think the next plot will be about? Do you guys think it will be a puzzle plot or war? TNT usually gives clues in advance about the next plot. I believe they even told us there would be a Haunted Woods plot before the Altador plot began.

The last few times there was a plot with the release of a new TCG expansion set, but Neopets hasn't released a new TCG set after the Haunted Woods.

Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:11 pm

This isn't a speculation as much as it's something I'd like to see. I'd really love for TNT to implement a new Sloth-related plot!

Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:58 pm

I want them to do something with Lutari Island. Something that'll end with it opening for the rest of us. :battar:

Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:23 pm

I'd love for them to pick up the plot the left off so long ago with Kreludor.
I'd like to see Lutari Island, too, but it seems weird to just have this extra moon floating around that we have no background on or anything. And where the heck did Sloth go, anyway?

Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:27 pm

I'd like to see a Sloth plot as well. He's my favorite villian, he deserves a new plot. :P

Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:33 pm

I would love a sloth/krelodur plot too. They promised us a sloth plot before the HatIC plot, but then it was cancelled :(

I don't think faerieland ever had a plot either. I would definitly prefer a sloth plot though :)

Personally I would like a war. But I don't see that happening after these lags during the ToW.

Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:38 pm

I'm in agreement with y'all. Definitely a Kreludor or Lutari Island Plot would be uber! :D

Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:51 am

fructy wrote:Personally I would like a war. But I don't see that happening after these lags during the ToW.

One possible way to have a war again without so many lags would be to integrate it into the puzzle plot, but unlike this one, it be a requirement that you'd completed up to a certain stage in the plot before you could battle, then everyone would be starting battling at different times rather than all at once.

Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:07 am

I'm going to go with the bandwagon and say I'd love to see another Sloth plot. When was the last time he did ANYTHING on the site, besides have a cameo in the occasional flash game? I think it was back in the Lost Desert war, which was at least 3-4 years ago.

Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:47 am

Definitely a Sloth Plot. <3 It'll be exciting.
Wait a minute. Is he really a Grundo? Doesn't look like one for me...
And that plot may explain why he keep taking 20% of our carrying nps away to support he's so-and-so...and maybe he'll use all those 20%s of our money during that plot? :P

Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:36 am

Sloth isn't a Grundo. He is a being from another planet that invaded the Grundos' planet and enslaved them before he came to Neopia. On Neopia he attempted to create his own versions of Neopets, Virtupets, but when that failed, he resorted to mutating the Neopets. Thus, Transmogrification potions were created.

The Space Faerie, catching word of this, attempted to stop Sloth, but he captured her. She could only be freed when kind Neopians adopted the Grundos that were imprisoned in the Space Station and manning the machines that kept her locked up. Once enough Grundos were adopted, she escaped.

As she escaped however, Sloth fired his laser at her. However, she managed to deflect the ray back at Sloth, defeating him forever...

...or so it was thought...

Sloth returned later when Brucey B lost his lucky coin in a game of Cheat. Seeking it back, he trekked through one of the forgotten parts of the woods to discover the Lost Desert. In the Desert, he discovered that the coin he had become so attached to was actually one of the keys to opening an ancient tomb.

Sloth had made sure he acquired the coin in order to unlock the tomb which contained a staff of great power. With this staff's power, he tormented the heroes of the plot (Brucey and co) by turning them into various creatures, such as Wadgets. He proceeded to rampage through the Lost Desert, almost destroying it with his hordes of animated monsters and their leader, the Rock Beast.

However, Sloth was defeated and the staff was destroyed. With the staffs destruction, everything returned to normal, but Sloth vowed he would return.

...and he never did. :cry:

Seriously TNT, pick up the Sloth plot. Where did he wind up? What are his plans for Neopets? Bring back that green chicken-headed monster we all love and adore...

Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:27 pm

I think we might see something at Bogshot village next.

Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:54 pm

Rachel wrote:
fructy wrote:Personally I would like a war. But I don't see that happening after these lags during the ToW.

One possible way to have a war again without so many lags would be to integrate it into the puzzle plot, but unlike this one, it be a requirement that you'd completed up to a certain stage in the plot before you could battle, then everyone would be starting battling at different times rather than all at once.

The majority of the people that do a plot will no doubt complete any puzzles as soon as the solution is released in a guide. So if you're really really early on in solving a puzzle to go fighting, you'll have like a few hours of fighting before the rest catches up. If you don't keep track of the plot every single minute, then you'll already have a lag when you start fighting. They might do something where only a small group is allowed to fight each time while the rest does something else, but that would become way to complicated.

That Sloth story was pretty cool, anybody know if there are summaries like that for other plots?

Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:30 pm

I don't like Sloth too much, though I wouldn't say no to a Kreludor plot. I was sad when they announced that they were cancelling it, after they had us speculating for months.
Other from that, anything goes, provided that it's not just battling :D
Would january be too early for the next plot? o_O They're keeping us entertained for a while with the Game Master, but I get restless without plots.

Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:32 pm

I actually don't mind the wait between plots. It gives me time to earn neopoints and to train up my pet ;)
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