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Tale of Woe Plot Prizes (Split 1)

Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:57 am

Continue discussing the plot prizes here!

Sophie's Shack: Go here to get your prizes!


Swamp Slorg (1??-2,999??)

Asylum Inmate (3,000??-12,999??)

Vine Weaver (13,000??-16,999??)

Meepit Wrangler (17,000??-21,999??)

Neovian Citizen (22,000??-28,999)

Master Chemist (29,000-36,999)

Honorary Mayor of Neovia (37,000+)

Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:29 am


Someone on IDB says they got Master Chemist with a score of 39,XXX. I really think the cutoff is 40,000.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:48 am

I am waiting for the idb to be updated with the weapons stats. Then I can decide what if anything will compliment my battle set or will be worth getting to hold on down the line. Much like the LDP books.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:48 am

I seem to be the first to have read the Neopiant times, then?

The trophies are based on percentage - so the top 1% or whatever it was got the top trophy, and going down. So it won't be exact, jsut take those as estimates. Also, the prize points changed when TNT found the battledome points, apparantly.

Still waiting for the weapon stats on IMDB... does anyone have any here?

Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:57 am

Shadow hammer is 6-7 Icons, I'll check now which ones as I wasn't paying attention last time

3 Dark 3 Physical

Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:18 am

Setekh wrote:Shadow hammer is 6-7 Icons, I'll check now which ones as I wasn't paying attention last time

3 Dark 3 Physical

Nice - thanks. :)

But I've already spent most of my points. 12,000 left, cause I want a weapon - dunno which one. x.x Shouldn't a sold the RotL..

Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:25 am

Wow, it looks like you can get the next-to-bottom trophy(Asylum Inmate) and still be able to get the top prize. :o

Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:38 am

Selelight wrote:Wow, it looks like you can get the next-to-bottom trophy(Asylum Inmate) and still be able to get the top prize. :o

Thats a bit messed up... :/

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:00 am

I was able to get:

1 Ghost paint brush
1 Spirit of Slumber plushie
1 Mysterious Potted Plant
1 Tale of Woe: The Untold Story
2 Illere plushie
1 Potion Cabinet
1 Ominous Stone Plushie
1 Neovian Genealogy
1 Gluten-Free Potion Composites Cookbook
1 Eau de Esophagor
1 Haunted Woods Graveyard Reference, 57N1064 through R51-8AHS
1 Talking Tombstone Alarm Clock
1 Titanium Grave-Digging Spork
1 Package of Assorted Vines
1 Hissi Oil Keychain

There were some things I wanted to get still, but overall I'm happy with what I got :D

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:03 am

I have to say that I am sorely disappointed with the prizes. First off, the announcement of prizes got a mere two sentences in the news, barely even noticeable. I mean, they KNOW how much the prizes mean to us and they get that kind of 3rd-rate treatment. Next, they take THREE months to get these out and yet they "forget" to add in the battledome scores causing many people's trophies to be downgraded. I mean, how embarrassing!! Then, the weapon prizes are glitchy - they'll work differently depending on what language you have set. And honestly, from what has been reported, they do a sad amount of icons anyway! Overall, I'm very unimpressed.

I wouldn't have minded this turnout 1, even 2 months after the plot ended. But the amount of time they had just makes me question why I bother with the plots.

edit: I wanted to comment on the trophy cutoff - I got a score of 37,965 and the Honorary Mayor trophy.
Last edited by mercurius on Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:05 am

*Wonders which plot you took part in that was dealt with quickly and efficiently*

And when have Plot-prize weapons ever done anything good?

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:08 am

Most recently, the Lost Desert Plot. Sure, the prizes took two months, but they were definitely worth it. I don't think this plot was as difficult to complete, so I didn't expect more RotL. But, I did expect at least one royal wedding ring type prize and I don't think anyone expected to be able to get the top prize or almost one of everything so close to the bottom. Plus, there was no petpet and I know lots of people were expecting to see the werehond somewhere. Overall, I'm personally more upset that I have to spend so much time calculating what to get to sell instead of just having one or two things big ticket items.
Last edited by Huggles on Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:08 am

Setekh wrote:*Wonders which plot you took part in that was dealt with quickly and efficiently*

And when have Plot-prize weapons ever done anything good?

I never said any plot was done quickly or efficiently. However, the LDP prizes were worth waiting for. The Ring of the Lost that is worth a couple million neopoints is what I call a plot prize that does something good.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:48 am

Huggles wrote:Plus, there was no petpet and I know lots of people were expecting to see the werehond somewhere. Overall, I'm personally more upset that I have to spend so much time calculating what to get to sell instead of just having one or two things big ticket items.

A Ghost Meepit petpet would have been nice. *Drools with staring eyes.* Or even a Dancing Ghost Meepit Bobblehead. Whee! *Bobbles and tries to dance .. with staring eyes.*

Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:50 am

mercurius wrote:I have to say that I am sorely disappointed with the prizes. First off, the announcement of prizes got a mere two sentences in the news, barely even noticeable. I mean, they KNOW how much the prizes mean to us and they get that kind of 3rd-rate treatment. Next, they take THREE months to get these out and yet they "forget" to add in the battledome scores causing many people's trophies to be downgraded. I mean, how embarrassing!! Then, the weapon prizes are glitchy - they'll work differently depending on what language you have set. And honestly, from what has been reported, they do a sad amount of icons anyway! Overall, I'm very unimpressed.

Yeah, that's pretty pathetic. :roll:

Although I'm pretty happy with the prizes, I'm disappointed that there wasn't some really awesome things that will be worth huge chunks of NP like there was in the LDP.

I wasn't even around for the LDP, but I keep hearing about how awesome the prizes were and it makes me jealous! :P
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