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Journey to the Lost Isle (Split 10)

Thu May 17, 2007 5:49 am

Journal: http://www.neopets.com/mip/index.phtml
Comic: http://www.neopets.com/mip/comic.phtml

Past Threads:
[original], [split 1], [split 2], [split 3], [split 4], [split 5], [split 6], [split 7], [split 8], [split 9]


Part One

Visit this page, where you will be lead to a game that must be completed. The game operates similarly to a Tangram puzzle, in which you must place all of the ship's supplies within the grid provided.

Complete the puzzle by arranging the pieces so they all fit within the grid, then click Submit. Complete three puzzles (of increasing size and difficulty) to continue.

Useful Tips and Tricks

If you still cannot figure out your puzzle, post the image here (Please note - all pictures must be less than 500 pixels wide! If it is over this, please link to the picture's URL, do not use the image tags).

A note to all people solving puzzles for others, Please do not give the location of anymore than three pieces of the puzzle.

Part Two
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed.
The challenger in question has been removed from the Battledome, and can no longer be fought


Visit Chapter 2 of the comic. On the last page (page 4) click on the last cell of the comic.
This will allow you to challenge the Ravenous Monster in the Battledome.

Part Three

Visit this page. Here you will find a puzzle where you must figure out the code to open a lock. (Much like Time Tunnel.)

Click on each ring to shift it into position, then click on the red button in the center of the puzzle to check it.

If you get a green light, you have the correct symbol in the correct position. If you get a yellow light, you have the correct symbol in the wrong position.

The number in the red button indicates how many attempts you have left on that puzzle. If you don't solve it in that number of attempts, the puzzle will reset and won't be the same as the previous times. Keep trying! You may find it useful to rotate one ring at a time and use the process of elimination to figure it out.

You will have to solve 3 of these puzzles to continue, and they're different for everyone.

Glitch note: If you have completed your third puzzle, but the plot has not progressed (i.e. you are getting puzzle three again but with a red button showing "0"), either refresh the page or go back to the journal, then the comic, then the puzzle. This should solve the problem.

Part Four

The Monstrous Moach is now a challenger in the battledome. Go out there and get them!


This is a snowglobe from the Smuggler's Cove and unrelated to the plot.
Last edited by TDG on Sat May 19, 2007 2:21 am, edited 3 times in total.

Thu May 17, 2007 5:53 am

Lvl : 31
Str : 55
Def : 50
Mov : 34
Hp : 59 / 59

I beat him once... and I had 1 HP left!!!!

*afraid to try again*


I was trying to edit my post before I noticed the split to add:

I am using:
Leaf Shield
Golden Compass
Fierce Attack

Leaf Shield
Scarab Ring
Fierce Attack

I did have to use my Blue Scorchstone once... and then I did Shadow Health once.

Thu May 17, 2007 10:02 am

I'm just in a bad spot because my pet's stats are pretty strong... but her hp is insanely low. I never put money into increasing it until she got to be such a high level that training is cost prohibative.

Hit Points: 15 / 17
Strength: EXCELLENT (56)
Defence: EXCELLENT (50)
Movement: EXCELLENT (53)
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (241)

Anyone have any tips for what I can do or use to attempt to fight the Moach?

Thu May 17, 2007 10:41 am

I've beaten him three times so far... and he's starting to do some real damage now... Ah, nuts. We had a draw, so I'm stopping now.

5 wins.

Matrinka wrote:I'm just in a bad spot because my pet's stats are pretty strong... but her hp is insanely low. I never put money into increasing it until she got to be such a high level that training is cost prohibative.

Hit Points: 15 / 17
Strength: EXCELLENT (56)
Defence: EXCELLENT (50)
Movement: EXCELLENT (53)
Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (241)

Anyone have any tips for what I can do or use to attempt to fight the Moach?

I don't think there is a lot you *can* do, unless you find a way to kill him in one shot.... His hits are around 20-30, so you'd die as soon as he hit you.

Get some AMAZING defense weapons, and then you might have a chance. >_<

Thu May 17, 2007 11:15 am

Am I wasting my time with a fruit bowl and Ring of the Lost? I have other stuff, I just dont know what I am doing lol. I used a red scorchstone but I lost more HP on that turn than any other turn. My first try ended up being a draw. I only have 57 HP. Any help would be great.

Mummy Moach

Thu May 17, 2007 11:24 am

I just logged back into neopets after seeing the news no updates yesterday when I logged out... I did wonder how come there was no fight with the "Mummy Moach"

Well, I used Leaf Shield and my Caustic Potion, and then my two Noxious Nectars and that beat him down some. But then he healed about half way, and I didn't have any more 'juice' to throw at him. So I tried my Volcanic Blow Gun and that actually worked pretty well. Anyone else thinks that fire works well on this thing, or did I luck out?

Thu May 17, 2007 11:36 am

Wow, this is going to be tougher. I really ought to train my Pteri's stats, but I'm a bit of a battledome newbie... hints? :P

Agility : 56 (EXCELLENT (56))
Attack Strength : 50 (EXCELLENT (50))
Defence Strength : 17 (semi-demi-godly)
Current hp: 282 / 282
Level : 3

Thu May 17, 2007 11:51 am

Beat him twice but I think I might be able to continue to 10. And I'll be getting a freezer soon and I think that will help alot.
Wow, this is going to be tougher. I really ought to train my Pteri's stats, but I'm a bit of a battledome newbie... hints?

Agility : 56 (EXCELLENT (56))
Attack Strength : 50 (EXCELLENT (50))
Defence Strength : 17 (semi-demi-godly)
Current hp: 282 / 282
Level : 3

Ummm..... You should get some good weapons, that's all.

Thu May 17, 2007 12:13 pm

Grrr. Here is my pet:

HP: 273
Strength: 89
Defence: 38

With Ramtors Spellbook, Honey Potion, Stone Club, and others. I did 10 so far, but I probably can't go beyond 30 or 40. Can't afford a 100% freezer yet, so I will just wait.

Thu May 17, 2007 1:05 pm

He drained 40 hp from me! How is that possible when my max hp is 96? :o

I withdrew... so unfair.

Thu May 17, 2007 1:32 pm

Ok, 29 victories, one draw and I am out of her (yep, her - the mother of those eggs, remember?) league. But I think, all in all, my performance was not bad - she had more than twice my pet HP in the last rounds.

If it can help any, stats and overall strategy:
HP:140 (stupid wrong-time training bonus... I really don't like even numbers)
level, 71; st, 137; def, 139

First round: drain life, medium or strong; mask of coltzan and freeze
second round:garoo elite blaster, bomb
3rd round: mask of coltzan, mega cabbage, sink; may use an species ability if had plenty of HP left instead of sink.

4th round onwards: patched hat, heal at strong, and, specially, TONS OF LUCK!

Thu May 17, 2007 1:56 pm

How can I restore my health back to 96? I withdrew and that made my hp not restore. :cry:

Thu May 17, 2007 1:58 pm

Health : 22 / 44
Strength : 39
Defence : 38
Move : mach 2

Snowglobe Staff
Leaf Shield
Purple Sticky Hand
Scroll of the Sea
Basic Rubber Axe
Hand Painted Scarab

That's what I had in her for the last opponent.

Other items I own:
Red Frost Cannon
Trapped Snow Wurm
Fire Snow
Dirty Snow
Turbo Flame Reflector
Shovel Plus
Dark Reflectorb
Brain Tree Root
Cheap Earth Ring
Kau Knight Helmet
Scamander Shield
Clockwork Quiggle
Scarab Ring
Scroll of Despair
The Astronomy Club
Golden Geraptiku Talisman

I think my spending limit on battledome stuff is around 70-80k total.

Anyone have any suggestions on what I should swap out, or buy, to optimize my abilities? I know I need to level up but it's late for that. let me know!

Thu May 17, 2007 2:08 pm

Karnatu wrote:How can I restore my health back to 96? I withdrew and that made my hp not restore. :cry:

Visit the healing faerie or use some healing potions.

Thu May 17, 2007 2:08 pm

Whew, I beat her once. Not sure I'll try again...

My battle pet is
Level 49
Hit Points: 89 / 89
Strength: EXCELLENT (56)
Defence: AWESOME (78 )
Movement: EXCELLENT (55)

I used Burrow on first round, then various combos of my Leaf Shield, Scarab Ring and Scarab Stone Slingshot with Fierce Attack or Aisha Sneak after that. Took her out in 4 rounds and was still at 2/3 HP. I think I got lucky, because she didn't go berserk on me or anything and actually did very little damage to me...
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