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Need someone very reliable please

Thu May 31, 2007 12:38 pm

Unfortunately my maze won't load. I've completed it except need to use the clam shell, now if someone very reliable can be very kind tell me(by posting here) that if they're willing to help me by logging into my account and just go to the maze page and finish it and log out. Thank you if you can help.

Thu May 31, 2007 1:33 pm

Unfortunately, even if you choose someone that you absolutely trust, this is against Neopets rules and is very unreliable. I would rather you try some other alternative, as I would hate for you to lose access to your account.

Instead, perhaps try using another browser, and if that still does not work, going to the local library. Most have computers that have free use. If you still cannot complete the ship, send in a bug report. Although slow, it is a better alternative than having someone else in your account.

Thu May 31, 2007 1:39 pm

I've had problems with flash in the past before too. Another alternative to try is clear out all your Internet History and your Cookies and then try reloading the relevant flash (game/maze/whatever). Best of luck :)

Thu May 31, 2007 4:23 pm

Yes, aside from Neopets rules, giving anyone, even someone you trust your log in information is never a good idea.

Just as a side note story, way back in the days where I played Everquest, I remember when a person left a very high end game content guild. He and the guild leader had been friends, so the guild leader had his password. The guild leader turned around, took or destroyed any items the person had gained through the guild, and then de-leveled his character from the max down to the bottom as "pay back" for him leaving them.

Bottom line, giving account information is always a bad bad bad idea. Look at what a "friend" did to a "friend."

Do try alternatives, logging on at a friends house, or even a library as suggested. When cleaning out your internet history, make sure to clean out the offline content too. That clutters things up and slows you down. Keep your information safe and good luck! :)

Thu May 31, 2007 4:43 pm

As others have said, this is against Neopets and PPT rules. I recommend trying the suggestions in this thread.

The Rules wrote:5. Do not post or link to anything that goes blatantly against the Neopets Terms and Conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, information on how to cheat on Neopets, information on how to hack someone's Neopets account, requests for a neositter or offering neositting services, any request for anyone's Neopets password, links to autobuyers or other programs that "help" you play games or do Neopets activities, or any scams, cheats, or hacks. To clarify, asking if something is against the Terms and Conditions is fine (we all know it can be vague on many topics), but a post saying "I cheat on the flash games, here's instructions on how to do it!" is not.
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