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Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:28 pm

Journal: http://www.neopets.com/mip/index.phtml
Comic: http://www.neopets.com/mip/comic.phtml

Past Threads:
[original], [Split 1], [Split 2], [Split 3], [Split 4], [Split 5], [Split 6], [Split 7], [Split 8], [Split 9], [Split 10],
[Split 11], [Split 12], [Split 13], [Split 14]


Part One
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed. The puzzle has been removed from the site.

Visit this page, where you will be lead to a game that must be completed. The game operates similarly to a Tangram puzzle, in which you must place all of the ship's supplies within the grid provided.

Complete the puzzle by arranging the pieces so they all fit within the grid, then click Submit. You must complete three puzzles of increasing difficulty to continue.

If you have trouble solving them, try these Useful Tips and Tricks first.

If you still cannot figure out your puzzle, post the image here (Please note - all pictures must be less than 500 pixels wide! If it is over this, please link to the picture's URL, do not use the image tags).

A note to all people solving puzzles for others, Please do not give the location of anymore than three pieces of the puzzle.

Part Two
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed.
The challenger in question has been removed from the Battledome, and can no longer be fought.


Visit Chapter 2 of the comic. On the last page (page 4) click on the last cell of the comic. This will allow you to challenge the Ravenous Monster in the Battledome.

Part Three
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed. The puzzle has been removed from the site.

Visit this page. Here you will find a puzzle where you must figure out the code to open a lock. (Much like Time Tunnel.)

Click on each ring to shift it into position, then click on the red button in the center of the puzzle to check it.

If you get a green light, you have the correct symbol in the correct position. If you get a yellow light, you have the correct symbol in the wrong position.

The number in the red button indicates how many attempts you have left on that puzzle. If you don't solve it in that number of attempts, the puzzle will reset and won't be the same as the previous times. Keep trying! You may find it useful to rotate one ring at a time and use the process of elimination to figure it out.

You will have to solve 3 of these puzzles to continue, and they're different for everyone.

Glitch note: If you have completed your third puzzle, but the plot has not progressed (i.e. you are getting puzzle three again but with a red button showing "0"), either refresh the page or go back to the journal, then the comic, then the puzzle. This should solve the problem.

Part Four
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed.
The challenger in question has been removed from the Battledome, and can no longer be fought.


The Monstrous Moach is now a challenger in the battledome. Go out there and get them!

Part Five
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed. The puzzle has been removed from the site.

Click on the last frame of Chapter 5 in the comic to take you to the maze. The maze starts with you at the boat. Some people have one path to click here (just above the boat), and others have two (above the boat and off to the right of this screen). You may find it beneficial to create a map of your maze, as in this guide. You have to collect 9 pieces to repair the boat. Some pieces should already be in your quest inventory.

The thorns can be found by clicking on the last panel of Chapter 4, but this seems to be glitchy for a few people. The jawbone can be found by clicking on or near the Mootix on the map in Mad Tongue Murphy's journal. (Alternately, you can highlight text just above the journal, then press TAB, then press ENTER.)

The other pieces must be collected by searching the maze. Collect pieces by clicking on them. The branch must be "sawn off" with the jawbone: open your quest inventory, select the jawbone, and click on the branch.

Some people are getting "stuck" in their mazes, when the maze loops back on itself. This is a bug, but TNT has been working on it. Check your maze periodically to see if it has changed.

Once you have collected all 9 pieces, return to the boat and start using items on it. The items have to be used in a particular order:

Nail Gun
Steam Vent
Ship's Wheel

Part Six
This part of the plot is finished, and can no longer be completed.
The challenger in question has been removed from the Battledome, and can no longer be fought. The puzzle has also been removed.


After reading the current comic, return to the maze, you will find a clam shell in your inventory. Use it on the ship, and it is suddenly seaworthy.

Also, the Petpetpet Horde is now available to fight in the Battledome!


As of June 1, it seems that the plot is over, though that is not a certainty.

Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:50 am

seems a strange way to end, were there any rewards? i lost the internet and only had up to just after the lock game complete the mind ... one

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:31 am

A cut down version of a question in the latest Editiorial:

Also, is the Lost Journey plot really over?

As for the Lost Isle plot, it is over. Well, it was quite open-ended, wasn't it? There was also that suspicious question mark after "The End." Curious. But no, it's over and prizes will be coming shortly. (The lad who worked on the code has been stolen away, unfortunately. The minute he's given back to us, he'll finish the prize shop! Hopefully this will happen in the next couple of weeks.)

I still don't feel it is over - is TNT trying to trick us again?!!?

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:41 am

Daze wrote:A cut down version of a question in the latest Editiorial:

Also, is the Lost Journey plot really over?

As for the Lost Isle plot, it is over. Well, it was quite open-ended, wasn't it? There was also that suspicious question mark after "The End." Curious. But no, it's over and prizes will be coming shortly. (The lad who worked on the code has been stolen away, unfortunately. The minute he's given back to us, he'll finish the prize shop! Hopefully this will happen in the next couple of weeks.)

I still don't feel it is over - is TNT trying to trick us again?!!?

That ending was anticlimactic....

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:57 am

Considering that you can't yet travel to this Lost Isle, I doubt we've seen this plot resolved. *posts in nifty new green font* :P

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:13 am

Yeah... and the TNT said that they were going to start awarding prizes soon. Right. This plot isn't nearly over. I'm just curious to see how soon it will be picked up again.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:18 am

There's no way it's over...I don't believe you TNT...you wouldn't treat this so anticlimatically and not give us a new land to visit. I know you better than that. ;)

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:19 am

If it is the end, fire the writers. They suck.

If it isn't the end, fire whoever thought it'd would shock us that it wasn't the end.

If its the end of the world as we know it, then I feel fine.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:36 am

the_dog_god wrote:If it is the end, fire the writers. They suck.

If it isn't the end, fire whoever thought it'd would shock us that it wasn't the end.

If its the end of the world as we know it, then I feel fine.

lol...nice song quote... ;)

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:09 am

That was the shortest and worst plot in my history on Neopets. Nothing good happened. Sure they came across giant petpetpets, but they always got away. What was the fun in that? No one died. Sure, they have to keep it family friendly. But seriously. Plots are getting shorter and less exciting.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:10 am

Conspiracy theory: Many pages ago I speculated that because of the timing of its beginning the plot was a way to take the minds of the masses off the abrupt and sweeping changes and horrid redraws. There seems to be a standard amount of time when people will complain vehemently about unpopular site changes before the uproar eventually dies down. I had a feeling that this was an old unfinished plot that was resurrected to cover that time span. Hopefully I'm completely wrong and the adventure will continue when the Cup has finished. :)

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:14 pm

Hydrangea wrote:Conspiracy theory: Many pages ago I speculated that because of the timing of its beginning the plot was a way to take the minds of the masses off the abrupt and sweeping changes and horrid redraws. There seems to be a standard amount of time when people will complain vehemently about unpopular site changes before the uproar eventually dies down. I had a feeling that this was an old unfinished plot that was resurrected to cover that time span. Hopefully I'm completely wrong and the adventure will continue when the Cup has finished. :)

What's sad is that I was thinking along the same lines. They stopped the plot because the Altador Cup was starting; the smokescreen didn't need to continue. My theory was that the plot wasn't finished -- and they need to write the ending while the AC is goin on. :D Silly, but fun to speculate.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:32 pm

If it is the end, I'm going to invest in dung and sent it to TNT members. In massive quantities. Lame plot, unless they somehow return next month to explain the diary and the treasure and the giant petpets.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:41 pm

Wind wrote:If it is the end, I'm going to invest in dung and sent it to TNT members. In massive quantities. Lame plot, unless they somehow return next month to explain the diary and the treasure and the giant petpets.

LOL! If it really is the end, which I doubt, I'll be joining you in that endeavor :lol:

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:54 pm

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:
Wind wrote:If it is the end, I'm going to invest in dung and sent it to TNT members. In massive quantities. Lame plot, unless they somehow return next month to explain the diary and the treasure and the giant petpets.

LOL! If it really is the end, which I doubt, I'll be joining you in that endeavor :lol:

Good thing they have the accept/reject option for when you send items now. Apparently they saw through your schemes... :evil:

Personally I hope that they resurrect the plot at a later time. Maybe have a sequel or since they've been to the Island they come back far more prepared. Of course what's in store for them the second time around is nothing that they could have imagined...
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