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Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:25 pm

Do you smell a plot around the corner at Neopets? What do you think will happen? Has TNT given any clues?

This is the place to discuss what you think will happen!

Please remember to stay on topic and not spam this board with things unrelated to Neopets and plots.

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Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:21 pm

Is a plot on the way? Judging by the fact TNT promised something in November, and the Down For Maintenence Pteri is appearing again (or is the Pteri excluded?), the answer would be yes. What it will be? No one knows. If it's something to do with February, it may be a Valentine themed plot, with hugs a-plenty. Or a continuation of the journey to the Mysterious Isle (much more plausable). We will have to see to wait...

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:46 pm

Just reposting this from a recent Editorial:

Hey TNT, what are you guys planning to add/change about Neopets this year? Or are you planning to add/change anything at all?^^ ~hardcore_gamer_chix
Oh wouldn't you like to know? We can tell you that there are a couple of very exciting things scheduled for the end of this month, and possibly in March! Although, now that we've mentioned them, it's inevitable that they'll be delayed. Thanks a lot.

With 2 things scheduled for the end of the month (very soon!!! Yay) and something 'maybe' in March, we could be seeing a plot and the pound re-opened.

This leaves open 1 more *big* thing to happen. o_O Something to do with the site layout or a new pet or a new Site Event (not a plot, but maybe another games challenge).

With 3 things scheduled - the odds are at least one of them will be a plot - so will it be at the end of January (I hope so because I will have 2 weeks holidays starting then) or will it be in March?

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:56 pm

Oh, but they said that because they mentioned them (along with possible dates), that they will be delayed, heh. Expect something...next March? :-P

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:48 pm

I think one of them will be a site event or plot, and the other two are site features(e.g. the Pound reopening or a new pet as Daze suggested). My bets are for the site features first, then the plot/event in March.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:50 pm

I'm actually guessing that the plot will start end of this month and run through February, and that the game master might come back in march (it was march last year)? Probably a site update towards the end of the month, too. I'm hoping I'm wrong, cause I'd prefer a longer plot than just a month, and I doubt they'd run both a plot and the game master challenge simultaneously. {shrugs} just a thought.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:12 pm

I'm thinking plot and hoping Pound.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:01 am

Pickles wrote:I'm actually guessing that the plot will start end of this month and run through February, and that the game master might come back in march (it was march last year)?
you mean another Daily Dare? Wouldn't having 2 gaming challenges a year (Game Masters challenge and Daily Dare) be a little much? Or is that the new intention from now on? *shrugs*

I think asking people to play so many games is a little too much to begin with. Too much work for something which is supposed to be fleeting and fun. Yes, I realize that sounds a little odd considering the plots are always hard, but they've been getting easier now, haven't they? Which is good? :roll:

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:06 am

Plot! Plot! Plot! I can definitely smell the plot coming. Interesting note... this will be the first plot without Adam and Donna.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:14 pm

Jacob wrote:
Pickles wrote:I'm actually guessing that the plot will start end of this month and run through February, and that the game master might come back in march (it was march last year)?
you mean another Daily Dare? Wouldn't having 2 gaming challenges a year (Game Masters challenge and Daily Dare) be a little much? Or is that the new intention from now on? *shrugs*

Quite possible. We had the first one Thanksgiving '06, then March '07, then again Thanksgiving '07...if they decided to follow the trend, I wouldn't be surprised. That's what made me guess the "march" possibility would be another Daily Dare.

Kymothy wrote:Plot! Plot! Plot! I can definitely smell the plot coming. Interesting note... this will be the first plot without Adam and Donna.

That makes me sad. :(

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:20 pm

Pickles wrote:
Kymothy wrote:Plot! Plot! Plot! I can definitely smell the plot coming. Interesting note... this will be the first plot without Adam and Donna.

That makes me sad. :(

But how do we know that it will be a bad plot? Even if it isn't as insane as the Lost Desert Plot (well, that might be a good thing), there's still a possibility of it being good.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:25 pm

Byakuya San wrote:
Pickles wrote:
Kymothy wrote:Plot! Plot! Plot! I can definitely smell the plot coming. Interesting note... this will be the first plot without Adam and Donna.

That makes me sad. :(

But how do we know that it will be a bad plot? Even if it isn't as insane as the Lost Desert Plot (well, that might be a good thing), there's still a possibility of it being good.

I never said I didn't think it'd be good...just that it being without Adam and Donna makes me sad. Who knows, maybe they'll be playing along with us this time instead of worrying about running things?
As long as we don't end up with another "mini-plot" like the Lost Isle...I can't see TNT coming up with a new plot that's not at least reasonable. I mean, they did bring us the Lost Desert plot!

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:38 pm

...I admit, I only lurk for the most part, but I try to keep my ears peeled for mention of Adam and Donna....what happened? Have they quit?

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:57 pm

edhriel wrote:...I admit, I only lurk for the most part, but I try to keep my ears peeled for mention of Adam and Donna....what happened? Have they quit?

Apparently they're not part of TNT anymore. I really don't know the whole story either, so it would be nice if someone would explain.

Re: Future Plot Speculation [split 2]

Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:30 pm

Kymothy wrote:Plot! Plot! Plot! I can definitely smell the plot coming. Interesting note... this will be the first plot without Adam and Donna.

You would think that, wouldn't you.
Everyone, Kym thinks the pound will never come back up because a pregnant whale sat on it.

Byakuya San wrote:Apparently they're not part of TNT anymore. I really don't know the whole story either, so it would be nice if someone would explain.

I think they quit when Viacom took over, from what I understand.
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