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Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:33 pm

Welcome to the third annual Altador Cup! The Altador Cup pits sixteen Yooyuball teams, representing lands from all over Neopia, against each other in a quest to prove their honour and test their skill. Choose a team, and help your favourite land make Neopian history.

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Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:11 pm

Yay new thread!

On the topic of some teams being harder, I think that it all depends on how you play. I find 2+2 teams really easy, and 1+3 easy too, but I can't score a goal on a 3+1 team to save my life.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:59 pm

Well friends, I thought Flash worked on this computer (I'm not using the same one I usually do, don't have access to it for another week). It doesn't. :( So I'm out of commission for a while - but I'll be rooting for KI from the sidelines.

C'mon guys! Make the finals so I can play some more! :D

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:19 pm

Rakumel wrote:Well friends, I thought Flash worked on this computer (I'm not using the same one I usually do, don't have access to it for another week). It doesn't. :( So I'm out of commission for a while - but I'll be rooting for KI from the sidelines.

C'mon guys! Make the finals so I can play some more! :D

Well, directly from TNT's mouths, it looks like EVERYONE is making the finals in some way, shape, or form.
Rather than just sticking to the finals, though, this new format will also be in play for the rest of the tournament's participants. Teams five through eight, nine through twelve, and thirteen through sixteen will now be seeded within their own brackets. "Under the old system," one committee member stated, "once the double round-robin ended, supporters were faced with a choice: they could either jump ship and choose one of the finalists to root for, or stay loyal to their team and go home. Doing things this way will now enable loyal fans to stick by their squad to the very end."

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:49 pm

Matrinka wrote:Well, directly from TNT's mouths, it looks like EVERYONE is making the finals in some way, shape, or form.

I'm not sure that's such a great idea...The double round robin is wearing me out as it is...lol Oh well, more time to go for top rank I guess...

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:04 am

That does mean that everyone will get to continue earning points until the very end of the tournament, right?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:05 am

I think so, it will just run as normal.

I'm now a day ahead in my quest to play 2000 YYB games. I had a DVD I wanted to watch, so I just had it playing on one half of the screen, and played YYB constantly on the other half.

Tough few days ahead for Shenkuu- Kreludor, Krawk and Meridell.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:17 pm

My money was on LD and Shenkuu to reach the top-4 bracket with KI and RI, but Kreludor have really impressed me with their run up the rankings.

I'm on track for my 600 wins target. :loser: Is anyone else's target so modest or are you all going for 2000?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:56 pm

Well i'm still working with my Roo Island team..
But I do have a question. Anyone have a collection of screenshots of the players in their victory pose after they score a goal?
I've been trying to collect them but with no luck really.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:37 pm

Serpens Albus wrote:That does mean that everyone will get to continue earning points until the very end of the tournament, right?
Yes. Previous two year's you've been able to, too, but there was a team switch in order to continue. This year, you'll be able to stick with your team all the way through, whether or not you're in the top 4.

afyapardess wrote:I'm on track for my 600 wins target. :loser: Is anyone else's target so modest or are you all going for 2000?
I think averly is only aiming for 1000 by the end - she's on Roo as well. I think meeting any goal you set is pretty awesome. :)

FizzyOtter wrote:Anyone have a collection of screenshots of the players in their victory pose after they score a goal?
I've been trying to collect them but with no luck really.
Heh...I don't think I've really looked at the victory pose in a while...but if you need Rooligans screenshots, I can try and get you some tonight when I get home and play.

I'm proud to say that I finished last night at Rank 16, with 1365 YYB wins, 110 SS, and 480 MSN games. That puts me 165 games ahead of schedule - nearly 3 days. (Not counting today, as I haven't played my bit yet for today). I guess that'll help when I can't play a full day (or possibly even at all) Friday, Saturday, and possibly Thursday (though I'm going to push to get some done since we're against Krawk that day).

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:42 pm

I've only reached Rank 1 for the tournament this year, but I'm quite content with that. It's better than I've done in any previous Altador Cup. If I happen to get to Rank 2, I'll be even happier, but if I don't get there, I'll still be happy with Rank 1 :)

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:50 pm

Thanks Pickles. Though I all ready have my fellow Rooliagan screen shots.
I'm trying to get the other teams poses and such.
Perhaps I could add what I have currently to the NeoDex?

Also I'm only at Rank 2. I barely have enough time to play as it is.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:06 pm

afyapardess wrote:My money was on LD and Shenkuu to reach the top-4 bracket with KI and RI, but Kreludor have really impressed me with their run up the rankings.

I'm on track for my 600 wins target. :loser: Is anyone else's target so modest or are you all going for 2000?

At least you have a goal. :P Here's mine: "Play whenever you can, for as long as you feel like it." That may be one game a day or several. I'm not even counting. Though currently I'm at Rank 3.

Messed around with the plugins and browser some more, and now I can play some YYB this week after all. (Better than on my own computer, even!) Though not much, I'm going to be busy painting the house. And double-digit scores still elude me. :(

Had a crazy idea while playing this morning. Next year, let's shock the system. Everybody play for Faerieland! :lol:

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:53 pm

Rakumel wrote:Had a crazy idea while playing this morning. Next year, let's shock the system. Everybody play for Faerieland! :lol:
I'm of two minds on this idea.

One: Just think...if Faerieland won, they might have a Faerie p/b as a prize...and a Faerie Yooyu... :thinking: It could be quite amusing, though we'd need to get the message to everyone on NPs. Could you imagine the look on TNT's face if it happned?

Two: I still think the Rooligans are cooler, though, even as much as I like Faerie pets and they (Roo) don't have an exact p/b associated with them. It would take a bit of convincing, I think, to move those of us as stuck to our teams as I am... :P

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 4

Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:57 pm

FizzyOtter wrote:Well i'm still working with my Roo Island team..
But I do have a question. Anyone have a collection of screenshots of the players in their victory pose after they score a goal?
I've been trying to collect them but with no luck really.
I can take some Shenkuu screencaps if that helps.
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