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PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:06 pm 
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Daze wrote:
miz sparrow wrote:
Ok, I did all the same steps as you and I too, have it say "Completed Steps". So, what am I missing here? Which step did we miss that it doesn't say "Completed All Steps"?!!

The title of the section is called "Completed Steps" and the boxes are coloured if you have done them and greyed out if you didn't do that step.

It doesn't say "Completed All Steps", that is just want others are typing instead of typing out the whole list. :)

*stops panicking now*
*looks sheepish* :oops:

Thanks to all those who voted for ethuiladdie!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:23 pm 
PPT Warrior
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Well, seeing our stats is very awesome, but I feel so pathetic looking at my own stats.
:oops: I did so badly! I wish so bad I coulda done better. But anyway....

Individual Digs
Count: 1394
Rank: Digmaster

Complete Graves
Count: 73
Rank: Mortician
73?!?! Ugh I can't believe I only finished 73 graves, considering I was digging for days! Damn lag causing me to get kicked >.>

Potion Fetching
Count: 4
Rank: Stuffbringer

Bone Testing
Count: 2
Rank: Potion Spiller
So lame >.<

- Completed Steps -
All steps completed! ^_^

- Battledome Victories -

Ominous Stones
Wins: 2

Macabre Stones
Wins: 16

Furious Stones
Wins: 8

(No wins against Trees, Townspeople, or Shadows :( )

Mayor Thumburt
Futile but valiant losses: 12

I must say though, I loved the titles of the last three steps, "Fun with Potions", "Madness with Potions", and "Madness in General." Indeed. :roflol:

And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 4:57 pm 
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I did really badly in the battle part of the plot, I don't have a very good fighter, and the easy enemiess were changed really fast. I wonder if I would have gotten more points just for losing against challengers? For the Sycamore, Herman Dorfdrap and the Shrieking Shadow, I didn't win any battles with them, but the icons are coloured in and they say Wins:0

Individual Digs
Count: 314
Rank: Shovel Flailer

Complete Graves
Count: 19
Rank: Bone Thief

Potion Fetching
Count: 7
Rank: Stuffbringer

Bone Testing
Count: 9
Rank: Bone Exploder

Name Elimination
Count: 51
Rank: Head Librarian

Oh, everyone thinks I'm crazy, just 'cause I try to warn people about the face-sucking aliens headed for Earth. Yeah, laugh now, have your face sucked off later. When the aliens come, I'll be the only one left with a face, and I'll be using that face to laugh at all of you, even though I'll be sad.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:47 pm 
Honorary Member
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Location: Lurking
Gender: Male
Individual Digs
Count: 205
Rank: Shovel Flailer

Complete Graves
Count: 11
Rank: Bone Thief

Potion Fetching
Count: 12
Rank: Spirit of Carrying Things

Bone Testing
Count: 3
Rank: Bone Exploder

Name Elimination
Count: 10
Rank: Bookworm

- Completed All Steps -

The only battledome challengers I didn't reach my win limit were

Ominous Stones
Wins: 2
(Didn't think Wave 1 would be taken away)

Macabre Stones
Wins: 2
(Same as above)

Black Elm
Wins: 3
(Couldn't be bothered with the lag)

Blathering Beech
Wins: 10
(See above)

Disgruntled Townspeople
Wins: 6
(They were actually a challenge)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:59 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Featherally got 1 kill on all the challengers. With no losses at Thumburt.

Digmaster [575]
Mortician [33]
Spirit of Carrying Things [17]
Potion Spiller [1]
I Can Read [3]

Completed All STeps

Ominous Stones [1] :(
Macabre Stones [1] :(
Furious Stones [71] Win Limit
Black Elm [69] Win Limit
Blathering Beech [21]
Savage Sycamore [10]
Herman Dorfdrap [4]
Shrieking Shadow [7]
Mayor Thumburt [215] Loss Limit

I shouldn't have tried to max out the furious stones... Oh well.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:11 pm 
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I hope it won't take too long now before we get our prizes. :D How long do you think it will take to verify everyone's stats, one or two weeks maybe?

Does anyone know the win limit for each opponent? Or is the limit different for everyone?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:17 am 
PPT Toddler
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Pst. Anybody remember Heavenest? Apparently they only tested 2 bones. o_O

I'm assuming the limit is the same for everybody. Here are the highest non-limits and lowest limits, followed by my guesses:

Ominous Stones [30]
Macabre Stones [30]
Furious Stones [30]
Black Elm [30]
Blathering Beech [25]
Savage Sycamore [20]
Herman Dorfdrap [20]
Bennie the Jub [this doesn't make sense]
Disgruntled Townspeople
Shrieking Shadow [25]
Creeping Shadow [20]
Malevolent Shadow [15]
Mayor [30]

Edit: If that was supposed to be sarcasm, I do believe that you missed out on a few punctuation marks, otherwise you're just stating the obvious.

Last edited by thesalus on Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:49 am 
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thesalus wrote:
Pst. Anybody remember Heavenest? Apparently they only tested 2 bones. o_O

So its called luck

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:19 am 
PPT Toddler
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Squidling wrote:
thesalus wrote:
Pst. Anybody remember Heavenest? Apparently they only tested 2 bones. o_O

So its called luck

Not only that but after it was found it was closed

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:43 pm 
PPT Trainee
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The first step shows up in grey at my page :o


Anybody know if it's supposed to be like that? I definitely did that step...

Edit: nvm... I just looked through other users' pages.. So the text appears in grey too, if you haven't completed it


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