Marybr wrote:
I checked Jellyneo and they said you needed a minimum of 250 as a score in SS to have the game count. I found that to be wrong when I played 100 games and was still beginner. I raised my minimum score to 300 and wound up at level 4 eventually. Now however something has happened. I have 603 SS games and I am at level 4. I should have leveled up to 5 at 595 but nothing happened. Do the requirements change as you change level?
I am not aware of there being any requirement for higher
scores as you advance in level. There is a minimum score for the game to count, which TNT put in place to stop people quitting the game as soon as they started and getting credit for it. But as Matrinka says, the
number of games you need for each new level does increase as you go. Rank 5 requires 275 points, which is 75 more points than the previous level (rather than 50). The list is at
viewtopic.php?p=794788#p794788 under the spoiler warning. If Slushie Slinger is worth half a point per game, you should reach level 5 when you have played 550 games of a high enough score to count. Since you say 100 of your games didn't count, I would guess that you will hit level 5 when your score sheet shows 650 SS games in total.

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