From the Neodex talk on Altador II:
For each YYB game you have won, give yourself 1 point (care, games played not goals). Give yourself 0.334 points (one third)for each drawn game.
For each SS game you have played, give yourself 0.334 (again multiply by one third) points.
For each MSN game you have played, give yourself 0.0667 points (care here, 6.667% not 66.67%)
Add them up. That is your 'points total'. One warning here - the small number of people whose scores do not match this chart have high numbers of SS games played. I increasingly believe there is a 'cut off' score, wherby below that it shows as a win on your record, but does not score for rank. If this is the case, it is to stop people playing loads of games getting very poor scores quickly.
The ranking for points then is;
Beginner - less than 49.99
Rank 1 - 50-99.99 points
Rank 2 - 100-149.99 points
Rank 3 - 150-199.99 points
Rank 4 - 200-274.99 points
Rank 5 - 275-349.99 points
Rank 6 - 350-424.99 points
Rank 7 - 425-499.99 points
Rank 8 - 500-599.99 points
Rank 9 - 600-699.99 points
Rank 10 - 700-799.99 points
Rank 11 - 800 -899.99 points
Rank 12 - 900-1024.99 points
Rank 13 - 1025-1149.99 points
Rank 14 - 1150-1274.99 points
Rank 15 - 1275-1399.99 points
Rank 16 - 1400-1549.99 points
Rank 17 - 1550-1699.99 points
Rank 18 - 1700-1849.99 points
Rank 19 - 1850-1999.99 points
Rank 20 - 2000+