Daze wrote:
Deevil wrote:
Wind wrote:
Some people can click on both of them, so make sure that's not the case

With how long it took me to find my way back to the ship after finding all the items and get her afloat...I don't know if I want to move from it until I know for sure I am s'pposed to.

No one is telling you to. That is for littleboy6326 - who is still have problems locating items. There are 2 trails from the boat, but some people could only click one. Now that TNT have fixed the glitches, both trails should be working.
If your boat is fixed, then there is no reason to go back into the forest.
Oh, I know there is no reason to go back into the forests...but the urge to see if one can is still there a tiny bit....
Kinda along the lines of the old Ren & Stimpy cartoon, "Space Madness"....
Ren: Now listen Cadet, I've got a job for you. See this button? (Stimpy tries to press the button, Ren slaps his hand away). Don't touch it! It's the history eraser button, you fool!
Stimpy: So what'll happen?
Ren: That's just it. We don't know. Maybe some bad, maybe something good. I guess we'll never know. Because you're going to guard it.
You won't touch it will you? Heh heh. heh.
Announcer: Oh how long can trust Cadet Stimpy hold out. How can he possibly resist the diabolical urge to push button that could erase his very existence? Will his tortured mind give into its uncontrollable desires? Can he withstand the temptation to push the button that even now beckons him ever closer? Will he succumb to the maddening urge to eradicate history with the mere push of a single button? The beautiful SHINY button. The jolly CANDY-like button. WILL he hold out folks? CAN he hold out?!
Stimpy: NO I CAN'T!!!! (presses the button.)
Announcer: Tune in next week, as .....