Hello I'm Neopian who has publicly existed for 44 months, or so my look-up tells me. This forum, I have lurked on for a long time >_> But I finally made myself an avatar and joined.
My main goals on Neopets have been making oodles of Neopoints (At which I have never succeed

) and building a NeoMansion. All of my Neopoints seem to drain away into furniture.
*Opip Looks both ways as if suspect some being to be standing near by... Watching*
Now down to my monster....
I've been ridiculed everywhere else I've sought help But I'm sure some of you can help me.
Thing has been skulking about my home... I would fear for my children, if I had any. As it is I fear for my cat.
Heres a quick sketch, sadly I didn't have a camera with me:
It seems to come and go in a red Toyota with the lisence number
66619R3 New Jersey U.S.A. I suspect Satan >_>