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Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:42 am is yet another one of the "Hi, I am new" boards...Well, Technically I am not new...I used to be a member a while back, but went inactive due to a loss of interest in neopets. But that is neither here or there, I go by a new name now, ShisouZero. Or just Shisou, or Zero, whatever people want to call me...(though I rather prefer 'Zero' right now)

I would have named myself just 'Zero' but I'm sure someone has that name already. I didn't check, but it doesn't matter. For anyone who is curious 'Shisou' means 'Shadow of Death' in japanese. I just thought it sounded cool. The Zero came from two things, Wing Zero from Gundam Wing and Zero from the Megaman Zero games...Zero is just a cool name.

And yes, I am an anime fanatic, how can you tell? ^_^

On neopets I'm an okay player...I have broken the 1 mill np mark and have decent pets and petpets...but I don't have the patience to restock anymore(not that I can get anything worthwhile anymore *grumble*) so my np has been pretty much stayed the same.

o_o can anyone here guess who I was? I doubt it...I tend to lurk on sites I join, always too shy to post a message...To quote my signature at one point, "I envy those who can speak thier minds. Unfortunetly I find that impossible."

If thats so then why'd I write this long post? o_o; to tell you the truth...I don't know...probably because I'm not in my right mind right now...I'm half-asleep and thus it is making me ramble on and on...

o.o What? It is 2:40ish in the morning right now! I demand the right to act a little out of character!
Not that anyone here would be able to tell anyway....

Anyways...I'd better get to bed before I fall asle-


Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:01 am

Are you a Zero I remember or another Zero, a third one or something? I can't tell. At least you have another piece of name to refer to you by :P

Welcome to PPT.

Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:13 pm

Nope ^_^ My older name has nothing to do with my new name. IT started with a 'K' back then.

Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:17 pm

Was wondering the same thing (not exactly the same) thing as Christopher.

Anyhoo, welcome and enjoy your stay :) Remember to consume large amounts of sugar and have a good time feeling the side effects :D *gives you welcome cookies*

Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:24 pm

Hmmm, I have a very bad memory so I might not remember you.
Anyway, welcome back to PPT. :)

Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:26 pm

Doesn't matter if anyone does...I was just curious o_o

Anyways, Thanks for the Welcome ^_^

Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:20 am

Welcome welcome you will like it here!

Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:17 am

Welcome back to the forums! What was your previous name, though? It's hard to guess who you are by one letter.

Whatever your name was, check out the anime boards to discuss your favourites with other fans. :)

Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:35 am

My name was Katreal...not that it really matters...
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