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Back! *cough* For the.. what time?

Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:58 pm

Hi! I'm ArwenEarendil, and I have returned for the... 3rd time? *sweatdrop* Erm. About me... some of you may know me from my previous visits.. or you may have seen my name on the staff thingy, or one or two may know me from the IRC chat..

Anyhow, got busy; but now it's summer! So I'll probably spend a fair amount of time here!

Talk to some of you soon!

Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:18 pm

Well, I don't recongnize the user name, but welcome back! (I left and returned a total of 3 times as well.) :)

Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:12 am

You again? *Beats with broom*


No no, sorry, I thought you were the safety inspector.

Welcome back to PPT again.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:16 am

Well then welcome back :)


Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:40 pm

I've left and returned once. Hard to stay away isn't it?

Welcome back.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:25 am

Welcome back for the summer! You made me look up the staff listings and 'ooo' and 'aaa' in wonder at all the people I didn't know. Now I am wondering where the IRC is situated. *hunts*

Where does your name come from?

Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:23 pm

Lillie wrote:Welcome back for the summer! You made me look up the staff listings and 'ooo' and 'aaa' in wonder at all the people I didn't know. Now I am wondering where the IRC is situated. *hunts*

Where does your name come from?

Scroll all the way down 'till you reach the end of the menu bar. Find 'Communication', and under it, Chat.

My name comes from LOTR (way back when I had an 'obsession'.) Arwen from the elf maiden; and Earendil is from the gift that Galadriel gave to Frodo. It's the 'brightest elven star'. Technically, there are two dots over the 'a' in 'Earendil', but I got lazy. :P

By the way, thanks for all the welcome backs!

Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:03 pm

Hey there, welcome back! *ropes you down so you can't leave again* *spreads glue... erm I mean glitter*

Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:30 am

Wooh. You're cool cause you like LotR :P. I'm re-reading The Two Towers right now actually. Welcome back :)
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