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I'm new. o_o

Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:50 am

*nod nod*


I used to visit the PPT website for Neopets stuff a looooong time ago. It turned out to be my first resource for tips and stuff </kiss up>

I played Neopets itself for about 3 years, then I stopped playing about one or two years ago. I started playing again with a new account a week ago after seeing a bunch of McDonald's commercials. I guess McDonald's isn't all THAT bad. >_>

So... Hi!

If you'd like to know (and who wouldn't? X) I'm a hardkore gamer with a taste in metal music (but I don't have very many CDs...). I frequent GameFAQs... anyone here go to LUE? >_>

I'm sure I'll have fun here, and I hope to make a friend or two... or three... or 42...


Can I have a cookie? >_> <_<

Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:06 am

Welcome back, your randomness is appreciated and will be put to good use *sucks it out*

Anyway, I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends once you put the hose away.

Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:11 am

Sure you can have a cookie. Would you like poisoned or crumbs?

Heheh >:]

Welcome to PPT! ^.^

Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:11 am

Hi and welcome to PPT I am sure you will find lots of friends here..

Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:27 am

Hey! Welcome to PPT! I am new as well... so I hope I am not braking some new forum mebers code *dodges knives*...

But yeah, enjoy your stay here :D .

Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:51 pm

Hey, hey hey, and welcome to PPT. McDonalds isn't that bad you say? Bleh, McDonalds is gross. And I've had McDonalds outside of New Jersey once and it was a whole lot better than the McDonalds by my house. (But still full of grease!)
Yup, anyway, hi there!

Sat Aug 06, 2005 1:17 am

Hey there... I love your randomness <3 !!

I go to GameFAQs too, sometimes (I got in the Fire Emblem boards, obviously... I LOVE FIRE EMBLEM =D) but then the people are mean there... PPT IS SO MUCH COOLER!!

I ate McDonalds four times in two weeks after not eating it for around 2 months... omg! I can't believe it... I'm gonna be sooo out of shape =(.

I love the Kiko Toy =D at McDonalds I mean.

And I'm sure you'll make a friend, or 2, or 3, or 42!!!


Sooo welcome here, and have fun posting!! If you need any help with things you can always PM me (although, I admit I might not be all that helpful, seeing as I have some questions to ask myself O_O).

Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:51 am

Thanks for the warm welcome. :D

And thank you for the cookie? o.o

*silently munches poisonous cookie*

Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:56 am

Welcome to the forums, now poisoned Master Chef! If you want an antidote, you'll need to throw yourself on the mercy of the chicken. You can see him up there on the banner at the very top of this page. He hasn't been very fond of forum members ever since someone took it into their head to eat the poor thing, so you'll have to address him as Lord Arrow and Awesome Master. ;)
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