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Why haven't I joined sooner?!

Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:12 am

Hiiiiii everyone,

My name's Sarah, and I live in Australia. I've been playing Neopets since 1999/2000, back in the eaaaaaarly days. I was 13 back then, so lots has changed over that time. I've come and gone from playing, but have been back at it with the account I have now. It's funny, because my friends and I used to play when we were bored in computers in early high school. One kid found out about it, and then the interest grew. It was great fun when everything was so cheap and it was actually exciting buying a slushie or a donut. It's a bit different now!

I still love it to pieces, I'm 19, and I doubt I'll ever grow out of it :) It's just too cute and too fun to leave!

Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:04 pm

Lol, welcome to PPT, Sarah! ^.^

One guy found out about Neopets in your school when you were 13?! O_O Everybody in my school played Neopets when they were like, 7 and by Fourth grade it was considered completely childish xD I still play, though ...

Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:40 pm

Yeah, and they found out from an older brother, to what I remember, haha.

It's funny, because some people do look at Neopets as being childish, but others don't. Some of the games can be easy enough, and it's fun having a cute pet and feeding it an omelette or two...but then when you start wanting expensive items, or collecting rare becomes so much more.

It's really awesome like that though :D

Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:25 pm

I consider myself fairly old with neopets with my four years and a month, but I guess that would make you decrepid :P

Welcome to PPT.

Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:07 am

Yea i wonder why you didnt join sooner too. :P

Welcome to ppt! :D

Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:12 am

Welcome to PPT. :hug:

Home of the fat chicken everyone loves! ~:>

And I, too wonder why you didn't join sooner! xD

Once again, welcome! :D

Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:34 am

Hahaha, I guess I've just played for so long, but have never looked into the community side of things. Yeah, I know, I'm so silly for leaving it this long, but starting now is better than never! It's more exciting here, actually reading about what's happening with Neopets and what people think, and talking to each other, than just playing. It's really good :D

I've always used PPT as a resource (and for item info!!) and I'd be lost without them.

Christopher: "decrepid" hahaha that made my day! :)

Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:41 am

Welcome! I used to play Neopets, then got bored with it, but I remember when it was discovered in when I was in year 5, and everyone was playing it... Then I asked how to play and everyone told me to go away :cry: .

XD anyway, hope you like it here.

Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:52 am

Awwww that's so not nice! Being told to go away when you asked! Hahaha and I bet half of them didn't know how to play either :P

I went through a patch where I stopped playing. I can't remember why. It was probably a bit of boredom, and a big part of being too busy :(

Thanks for the welcome :) I think I will like it here from what I've seen so far. Everyone seems so nice and interested in what's happening, it's awesome.

Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:10 pm

Welcome to PPT! My name's Sarah, too. :P

Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:07 am

Hello and welcome! I've been on Neo since I was in fifth grade (four years ago...o_o) of and on. In the past year, though, I've been playing a lot more. Same for PPT. Been registered for a while, but again it's been off and on.

Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:44 am

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Another Sarah! You rock :D

Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:45 am

Neopets is good like that. You can come and go from it, and even though it changes, it's still always there :)

Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:05 am

Hi Sarah!! Welcome to PPT!! I hardly play Neopets anymore, as most people do, I go on and off, but only to play games =). I go on PPT daily, though... so far... I've been known to disappear =P.

Anyways, have fun posting around!

Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:46 am

Heylo! I still play Neopets everyday, but not with the enthusiam I used to have.

Welcome to PPT Sarah!
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