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Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:27 pm

I'm new here! I bet you haven't heard that one before.

I've been browsing PPT for a while now and finally decided to join, especially after reading all the intuitive discussions about the Lost Desert Plot.

My Neopets ID is Meechity. I've got a mutant Ruki named Kullau who is a bit of a wimp, but he's always looking for a fight. I'm also a member of the Mutant Tormentors (sic) Guild, but it's starting to look a little neglected, so I may decide to shift elsewhere.

Kullau would like to join a guild specifically for Mutant Rukis! Anyone else have one? We should start our own guild. Rukis rule.

Neofriend requests are welcome! In the meantime, I'm going to sit back and wait for the LDP to continue.

Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:24 pm

Welcome to PPT Meech, on neopets I have a Faerie Meerca. Have for like 3.5 years XD

Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:17 pm

Welcome to PPT Meech! That was quite an interesting topic.

I have some mutated pets... on a 42(?) month account?

*is scared of rukis*

Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:42 pm

Welcome to PPT! ^.^

I don't think I know of any Mutant Ruki guilds xP


Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:54 pm

Lol nope thats exactley why I joined! I had been browsing PPT forever, figured hey now why not. Not to mention Im a Pod-Groupie, teehee

*Hands Merryberry*

welcome to PPT!

Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:41 pm

Thanks for the welcome!

Arwen, my Ruki is a creampuff so you don't need to be scared. XD

Why does no one link to their Neopets pages in their sigs? Is this some kind of faux pas? I wanted to browse around for promising neofriends, as well as check out people's pets and artwork, but hardly anyone has links.

I'd start my own Guild if I had the time. But alas, I'm spending too much time on the Lost Desert Plot to do anything but eat, work, sleep, and refresh the Scroll Repository page. :roll:

Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:38 am

Hi and welcoem to PPT!!

I don't like Rukis so much... I like Kikos. They are so cute and cuddly! Hissis are nice too though =).

Oh and if you want to find neofriends, the General Chat board is a great place to make friends :D . Some people here don't play neopets anymore, though, so maybe that's why!

Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:52 am

Thanks... I'll go check out the General forum.

If I had a Hissi, which would be awesome, I might feed it a Kiko! :D

Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:20 am

Welcome, welcome, Meech!

I hope you have a great time at PPT!

And, I voted for your ruki in the beauty contest. :)

Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:46 am

Hi Meech and welcome to PPT :) Hope you're finding the Lost Desert plot discussions useful.
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