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Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:16 am
Aniu Durango Kamots is the name.I've been around neopets for quite a while.I started a new accound just recently, floofywolf is the username.Marvelous,just marvelous to meet you all!
I've been snooping around these forums for sometime now,and I enjoy the pleasant conversations neopet lovers have on other than the neopets boards.I personally think the neopets boards are too strict,actually...
Fav'rite neopet is the lupe,I'm quite in love with them.The wolf is my favorite animal,and a few of my favorite websites include gaiaonline,newgrounds,neopets,and a few others.not really that big of a neopets fan actually,just sort of hang around in my spare time.Anyway...
Enough about me,how 'bout you?
Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:19 am
Welcome to PPT, Aniu Durango Kamots! xP
You like wolves? And you go on Gaia?

Ever been to the
Shaoilin Woods?