Are you new to Pink Poogle Toy or a returning member? Come on in and introduce yourself!
Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:32 am
Not sure if I'll get many a response.
All I can say is that I've returned to Neopets (and this forum) after a very long hiatus. A hiatus of... could we say, six months?
Because the last time I was here or at Neopets, I was a fresh month old on my new account that I made in the result of my old one going through certain problems. (Old one was at least two years old.)
I just logged in again today, and see that my shield says my account is 7 months old.
That's a long time.
But I'm glad to be back. Anything new and exciting that I should know, other than that my neo-stocks still have yet to rise?
Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:47 am
Welcome back. I have no clue who you are, but I'm the first to welcome you back
Hope you stick around and have some fun. Sky commands it.
Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:23 am
Skynetmain wrote:Welcome back. I have no clue who you are, but I'm the first to welcome you back
Hope you stick around and have some fun. Sky commands it.
When I was first a member here, I did alot of avatar & signature sets and was a nominee for most promising new member here during the PPTbies.
I have no idea who won it, I can't seem to find a list anywhere.
Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:31 am
I remember the name certainly. Welcome back to PPT, home of the bi-annual snail olympics.
Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:02 am
Welcome back, soymimi =D I remember you! I even remember welcoming you when you first came here xDDD
Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:35 pm
Welcome back, Mimi.

I remember you pretty well. You made awesome sets.
Don't remember who won the PPTbie for Most Promising New Member. I believe it was webkitty.
Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:44 pm
Welcome Back Mimi! I don't exactly know you. But Welcome Back anyways =D
Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:30 pm
Thank you all very much for the welcome back. Also glad to see some people remember me. For those who don't, don't worry about it. ;-)
Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:08 pm
welcome back to the ppt i dont know but o well we can meat some time
Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:37 pm
Welcome back to PPT soymimi! I can't say that I remember you unfortunately. I hope you'll stick around and post all the time!
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