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Hello all!!

Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:27 pm

Hi, I have been using the PPT website for a while and I have just recently started listening to the podcasts, and guys are crazy! (Which is of course a good thing) I'd like to join the fun and start posting at the forums, so here I am! I'll try to be as helpful and active as possible.

Have a nice day!

Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:20 pm

Welcome to the PPT forums clarinetman! You make the podcasts sound really good (I have yet to listen to one...). It's great that you've found PPT so helpful and you want to help people here as well. You'll definitely have the opportunity to help!

By the way, do you play the clarinet? It's a great instrument!

*gives welcome punch and pie*

Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:34 pm

He obviously doesn't, people play him, hence why he's a clarinetman. Welcome to PPT.

Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:04 am

Clarinet is an awesome instrument. I switched to it from trumpet this year.

Welcome to ppt!

Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:09 am

Clarinet rocks. Lovely instrument. Well actually, I love all woodwind instruments. :P
Welcome to PPT. *Hands welcome drink Image*
Have a nice day too! :)

Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:17 am

Welcome to PPT. Tubaboy and Violagirl will be along shortly to greet you. Hope you have fun here!

Hands out mochi and taiyaki.

Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:31 am

Well that was a nice welcome, drinks for all!

I'm glad to see fellowing musicians on the forums. I half-assumed that people would be like "A clarinet? Is that a type of petpet?"

Hehe, well yes I do play the clarinet and I would like to get into my schools jazz band next year, but the jazz teacher won't let clarinets try out. So, I might be learning how to play the saxaphone next semester.

Eww, trumpets...well I don't have anything against the trumpet itself, but most of the people that play the trumpet at my school just aren't very nice. Though I would assume that you are one of the exeptions. ^^

Is there really a tubaboy and violagirl on the forums? That would be rather cool...

Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:36 am

Gah. Trumpet was a pain in the neck. And most of the trumpet players at my school are, well, nice, but also a pain in the neck.

Nope, we don't have a violagirl or a tubaboy :P We do have a bassoonist though.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:42 am

We also do have violin-girl and pianist here. And well, they are the same person. Good luck finding them. ;)
Good luck reading this text, because here you will know that those 2 is me. XD
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