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The new girl.

Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:40 am

Hi everyone. :) My name is Erica.
I'm 21 years old.
Engaged. Pregnant with a little boy.
We have two dogs - a pit bull mix and a doberman mix.
I love love love them!

ANYWAY...I've been playing Neopets for years upon years.
But I'm really impatient so I'm not the best of Neopet players.
I've had my account since 2004 and don't even have over 200k. haha.
I have had over that in my lifetime though.

I had an account before 2004 that had the original poogles on it. But I seriously can't even remember the user name.
It's kind of sort of really driving me crazy.

I'm obsessed with Poogles. I only have one. But I love her. A whole lot. lol

Anyway, I tend to talk forever. Mainly because it's 2:39 am and I am BORED. And suffering from severe pregnancy-related insomnia.

So I shall leave you all alone now and go make an avatar and signature of my lovely (but very basic) Poogle!

Re: The new girl.

Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:59 pm

Welcome! I wonder why you chose this fan site, if you love poogles so much.. :P

Not everyone here is a die-hard player, so you'll be in good company! I just recently found out I'm pregnant too, so we can suffer through the symptoms together. lol. Congratulations on that and being engaged, btw. :D

Re: The new girl.

Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:42 pm

_bloodfairy wrote:I've had my account since 2004 and don't even have over 200k. haha.
I have had over that in my lifetime though.

By that do you mean in your Neopian lifetime or your ACTUAL life? Because that would be really cool if the latter was true.

Either way, I hope you'll enjoy PPT! *hands out chocolates*

Re: The new girl.

Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:04 am

*does a little welcome bow* Well, Erica, hope you'll have fun here, there's players from all over the world on this site, so you can always count on someone being ready and willing to help. And don't worry. I've had my account for even longer than you, and I just crossed the 500K-line for the first time.

So enjoy the site, and good luck on the pregnancy!

Re: The new girl.

Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:04 am

Welcome to ppt bloodfairy.

You will find lots of poogles here. Hehehe Have fun

Re: The new girl.

Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:23 am

Hi bloodfairy! Welcome to PPT!

This is a very good place to hang out if you like Poogles. Or chickens. ~:>

If you have any questions about the forums, please let me know! See you around the forums.
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