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Lovio forced me to post here...

Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:26 am

ummm...hi everyone...Lovio diden't realy force me to post here...he "asked"...LOL.

I don't realy know why thou...LOL.

Oh by the way, I got a few virus alerts comming from the pages on this site...I bet one of your ads is distributing the virus.

By the way...I love the name...Pink rules...LOL. ;)

Oh, if you are curiouse where I came from, I came from the Cybernet Resources forums at ...and I am the Webmaster there...and Lovio is a mod on my forums if he hasen't already blabbed about it ;)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:30 am

I've blabbed about it alright!

Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:04 am

Welcome to PPT, on here in the forums there aren't actually any ads.

Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:12 am

Welcome, chatterbug89. :) There aren't any ads on the forum section of the site as far as I know. I hope you enjoy it here! If you need any help, feel free to ask. :)

Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:11 am

Firstly, welcome to PPT :)

And secondly ;There are no viruses on this site. Please refrain from spreading rumours.

When its 2 members of another Neo Fan site doing the rumour spreading, and you also include a link to your own boards, it also seems a little suspect.

I repeat, there are no viruses on PPT.


Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:25 am

Jasujo wrote:Welcome, chatterbug89. :) There aren't any ads on the forum section of the site as far as I know.

Nope. There aren't any unless your computer creates them. You may have a cookie (a computer cookie, not a dough cookie).

Anyway, welcome to PPT!

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:26 pm

I am positive what I saw, it showed up on every page I went to for about 5 pages and then stoped (this was on the site, not the forums)...I have seen this before (usually with spyware). An ad will start distributing a virus which is stored in the Temporary Internet Files (I wish I tooka screenshot and got the name...I wasen't thinking). I am not spreading rumors, and I would suggest someone would look into that...

I am not the rumor spreading type anyways ;)

EDIT: Also, I know what a cookie is :roll: ...I also know a little PHP and Regex to...umm...LOL...

EDIT: I just got it again while surfing your site and this time I got a screenshot ;)


OK, while doing some research on this virus, I found out some weird things.

First of all, for some reason it is not in the mcafee database (they are one of the worest companys in my opninion, so it dosen't surprise me.)

I have also found out that this virus is quite recent, it's date of origin is in May and it has just started apearing in the US about 3 months ago.

According to ... hought.asp the virus will run....
I would suggest that a lot of use press crtl-alt-delete and check for these files...and if you do find them please post here so Jim dosen't think I am spreading rumors ;)

I'll try to find some more info...but I realy have to get back to long everyone ;)

EDIT2: Oh, for all of you who have never heard of Nod32, it is the best anti Virus ever...LOL. Anyways, it is popular, but it is a lot more advance, so the normal computer users tend to stick with easier programs such as mcafee (or nortan...nortan is 1000000000% better than mcafee ;) ). I use it because it is my job to test files for review and I like to have control over things ;)
Last edited by chatterbug89 on Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:58 pm

I have Ad-Aware professional and Norton internet security / anti-virus and PPT has never had any viruses. It has pop-ups on the main page, but never viruses.

I work as a network manager for a stockbrokers. I have a masters degree in computer & Network engineering as well, so I think I possibly know a bit more than you chatterbox.


You are getting that virus from a program that has installed itself on your machine, PPT doesn't do that, otherwise Ad-Aware pro would block it and report it to me.

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:00 pm

Maybe you got the virus from one of the programs you have to test for review

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:01 pm

read the last post and just check for those files by pressing alt control delete...I have a feeling some people will be I said, the virus is relitively new.

EDIT: I know it came from somethign from this site because I only get that warning when I come here and only here (exculding the message boards)...and I do a lot of virus alerts on any other websites ;)

Arogence, try using the edit button ;) --peopel appreciate it ;)

EDIT2: I found some more info on the virus-- --There is a big clue about why the virus may be on this site ( hint hin: http://www.2n**** )

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:31 pm

I didn't want to edit what I'd said, just make a follow on comment from what you'd said. And before you start criticising me, learn how to spell or at least read your message before posting it

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:35 pm

Like I said again, Webris, I checked again and there is NO VIRUS!!

Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:41 pm

Okay. No matter what it is you are trying to prove or disprove, this isn't the place for it. This is for current members to welcome new members to the forums, not for arguments. There is no need to start attacking one another. I don't know what this thread has turned into, but it seems it is no longer a friendly welcome thread so I am going to lock it.
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