*Walks up to kitty in flight attendant costume*
HI! Here we begin our tour of PPT, to the left are the Pink Inkers, writing their columns, and of course, the Pink Fuzzles killed to produce the exact shade of Pink required for it. To your right is Arrow, posing for his latest picture, to be done eventually. Continuing on are the Admins, Super Mods and Mods, you are probably asking why their eyelids aren't closing. They sift though so much, Rune bless them, that they have resorted to tear drops, spoonfuls of Maxwell House, and tape to keep going. Now here is the glitter room, a magic storehouse where Twinkle keeps the welcome glittle. DON'T touch it, or Twinkle will kill you. By stuffing it down your throat. Ok, now to the left is the Werewolf Generator, where Scottnak inputs WW data in and Poof! gets a setting, and all execution material.
*Gets head chopped off by loose Poltergeist*
In the eight seconds I have left, I should warn you that some baddies do get loose, so be carefu-glorch *dead*