is yet another one of the "Hi, I am new" boards...Well, Technically I am not new...I used to be a member a while back, but went inactive due to a loss of interest in neopets. But that is neither here or there, I go by a new name now, ShisouZero. Or just Shisou, or Zero, whatever people want to call me...(though I rather prefer 'Zero' right now)
I would have named myself just 'Zero' but I'm sure someone has that name already. I didn't check, but it doesn't matter. For anyone who is curious 'Shisou' means 'Shadow of Death' in japanese. I just thought it sounded cool. The Zero came from two things, Wing Zero from Gundam Wing and Zero from the Megaman Zero games...Zero is just a cool name.
And yes, I am an anime fanatic, how can you tell? ^_^
On neopets I'm an okay player...I have broken the 1 mill np mark and have decent pets and petpets...but I don't have the patience to restock anymore(not that I can get anything worthwhile anymore *grumble*) so my np has been pretty much stayed the same.
o_o can anyone here guess who I was? I doubt it...I tend to lurk on sites I join, always too shy to post a message...To quote my signature at one point, "
I envy those who can speak thier minds. Unfortunetly I find that impossible."
If thats so then why'd I write this long post? o_o; to tell you the truth...I don't know...probably because I'm not in my right mind right now...I'm half-asleep and thus it is making me ramble on and on...
o.o What? It is 2:40ish in the morning right now! I demand the right to act a little out of character!
Not that anyone here would be able to tell anyway....
Anyways...I'd better get to bed before I fall asle-