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Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:16 am

I fear it's too late... even for you little plebs. I've got spies as we speak hiding amongst the PPT Divas and PPT Guys parading as one of your own ... reporting to me your plots and plans to overthrow the current establishment lead by the universally loved Count Kym who also likes to refer to himself in the third person.

Bill has been murdered... he is gone. Dead. Forever. Galaxia will rise in his place and rule her realm with an iron fist. I have drugged all your drinks with PPTitis... a rare condition that I just invented 5 seconds ago which will make you bow down to me in loyal servitude.

You are my toys!! And you will never be free. NEVERRRR!!!

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:24 am


In reply to Count Kym's most recent response, Entertainment has launched a strategic attack on the PPT Gallery. However, because they used the Map supplied to them by the Cartographers at the University of Jokes, they actually hit poddington. The denizens of The Isle of Creativitiy, The Lands of Miscellaneous and The Independent Republic of Forum Events all collectively cheered, thankful they wouldn't have to keep hearing about 'fitzgerald' and other random inside jokes.

The Debating Table is currently undecided on how to react.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:29 am

Blast! Poddington was my hive where I hatched Kym-clones... who had the only aim of spamming up the forum with delicious posts of fun-filled insanity. Curses... you will pay. You may have destroyed Poddington... but from her ashes will arise a beast more mightier than thou... more fierce than a really fierce dragon and more nasty than a rock in your shoe.

You. Will. Pay.

By the way... among those "allies" is a nation that really belongs to me. BWAHAHAHA.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:54 am

Satellite images from the satellite Neodex report these troop movements.....


The neopian plot council hopes to make its last stand at... the neopian plot council. Count Kym has deployed a special elite unit of locked topics, but remains without his heavy tank division due to getting rid of his round table with square edges.

Misc Discussion gets ready to launch an assault on the Private Staff Forums, as well as backing up the Isles of Creativity. Re-inforcements they desperately need with their topicnumbers dwarfed by those of Entertainment.

Advisors of Count Kym are startled by the Misc Disc's reaction, as Misc Disc has no reason to be hostile towards him. Perhaps this is a pre-emptive strike before he destroys Coconut Isle?

PPT Divas and PI have thrown their topics into the fray, attempting to split General Chat's topics up (omg i'm so clever) while battledome hopes that the increased speciality of forums allows them some extra kick.

The Debating Table still remains undecided.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:58 am

You. Will. Pay.

Miscelleanous discussion looks like it's going to get me... but it is only a ploy so they can join me unmolested by the allied forces of the disgruntled nations.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:04 pm

I swear to god if I start laughing any harder, my mum will ship me off to a mental hospital. Marcus, this is going in Pink Ink and I don't care what you say.

Is the PPT Site Discussion (now fighting to legally change its name back after the evil Count stripped it of its identity) joining the battle? Or are they tied up in legal complications?

I hear the Newbie Welcome Wagon wanted to join in, but they couldn't find their starting position on the map.

Also, last I heard, the Debating Table were tossing up the pros and cons of renaming themselves to Switzerland, although that would defeat their mission statement.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:07 pm

So many questions! The real question on everyone's mind is what really happened to the travelling PPT Journal. Who is holding it hostage? Nobody knows... Just another delicious twist in the war arc.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:19 pm

Alex wrote:I swear to god if I start laughing any harder, my mum will ship me off to a mental hospital.

Me too!
What?!? Poddington is gone! Darnit! Now what are we meant to do with Fluvvering Fitzgerald?
*releases Fitzgerald upon The Isle of Creativitiy, The Lands of Miscellaneous and The Independent Republic of Forum Events, and Entertainment*
Those who have challenged the almighty power of Poddington shall pay!!

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:29 am

Marcus and Kym, may I have your permission to use sections (or all) of this "war" in an expose I'll be writing for the next issue of Pink Ink? You'll be credited, of course.

My mum still thinks I'm insane. She's a nurse, and seriously has the connections to ship me away!

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:45 am

Go for it. Count Kym needs his good word spread.

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:58 am

Well, I can't guarantee that all people will be viewed in a favourable light... :P

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:46 am

Hahaha well the war isn't over yet! I imagine the Independent Republic of Forum Events will be reporting something soon

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:35 pm

I Stalk Stephy Shrine? HAHAHAHHA

Wowww how long ago was this made? lol

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:03 am

Hahah a couple of months ago. I was going through PPT's history pages and the whole "I Stalk Stephy" era popped up. :D

Re: Conceptual map of PPT

Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:45 pm

O-M-G hahahha you make me laugh!
Brings back memories of how much time I would spend at these forums lol. A bit TOO much time ;)
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