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Changing Username

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:28 am

I remember back in the day we used to be able to change our name, can wbe still do that and how?

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:34 am

You can only change your username now by PMing an Admin. If they agree that your reason is justified, they will consider it. Changing your username isn't something you should do often, though.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:36 am

No. That feature was taken away because Jim threw a hissy fit because he wasn;t allowed to have a sugar high and he destroyed it with Yukio's pickle cannon. But it still survives!!! Rune managed to save some of it and now the Jim and Rune can change your name for you if you pm them nicely enough and don't do it often.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:47 am

No. That feature was taken away because Jim threw a hissy fit because he wasn;t allowed to have a sugar high and he destroyed it with Yukio's pickle cannon. But it still survives!!! Rune managed to save some of it and now the Jim and Rune can change your name for you if you pm them nicely enough and don't do it often.

Umm... excuse me?

If anything, I was one of the more vocal people who said "Don't bring it back". Do you know how hard it is, keeping track of at least fifty members that are reguarily changing their names? WEEKLY name changes.
Theres a reason it was taken away, and it was because it was abused.
It works better this way in my opinion, it's easier to keep track of people, it's not confusing.

And I sure hope that was an attempt at being funny...

Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:49 am

I heard there was a hack out there that listed the usernames someone has used on their profile. If that was installed here (along with the personal quote one *wink wink*), then there shouldn't be a problem, right?

Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:55 am

I heard there was a hack out there that listed the usernames someone has used on their profile. If that was installed here (along with the personal quote one *wink wink*), then there shouldn't be a problem, right?

And that still involves going to the persons profile. I prefer this way anyways. What is the need to change names anyways? It's still confusing to be replying to someone, whose name you don't recognize.

And don't get me started on the personal quote.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:03 am

ahoteinrun wrote:
I heard there was a hack out there that listed the usernames someone has used on their profile. If that was installed here (along with the personal quote one *wink wink*), then there shouldn't be a problem, right?

And that still involves going to the persons profile. I prefer this way anyways. What is the need to change names anyways? It's still confusing to be replying to someone, whose name you don't recognize.

And don't get me started on the personal quote.

All you have to do is click on a button to get to profile...
As for the changing name thingy, lets say someone changes their name to SUPER HAPPY FUN GIRL, and then a while later they get orphaned or something, well SUPER HAPPY FUN GIRL isn't exactly a fitting name then, is it?
Or a less extreme example, someone could name themselves after a band or character they like (ex: Zero), but then a while later they start to dislike that certain thing... a lot... so they want to change to somethin' else but can't.

(has an urge to ask what's wrong with the personal quotes...)

Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:12 am

And sometimes clicking a profile, involves losing posts that you're working on (I know that my computer at school, won't allow me to switch back and forth between pages, without losing what i've been typing... although this computer i'm on currently does). And sometimes it involves taking up multiple pages of PPT (I think I hit my record at six once) to deal with things. Unfortunately I feel that you're not being fair to the staff.

If people want their names changed because they honestly don't like their names, they can PM an admin. Theres nothing hard about that. I don't see whats so great about changing names, I did it, I hated it, and I had to cry back to Rune to change it back.

You have to realise the scale on which name changes were taking place. I'll admit freely that I did not follow ASP, or... Gnome legion... or that other one... (I can't even remember what it was... which may just say something about my memory, and how HARD IT IS for me to keep track of peoples names.).
I'm sorry but I like to know who i'm talking to, or who i'm replying to when I post, and with mass name changes it gets confusing. It's like seeing strangers post. And I don't like that.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:16 am

Zero wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
I heard there was a hack out there that listed the usernames someone has used on their profile. If that was installed here (along with the personal quote one *wink wink*), then there shouldn't be a problem, right?

And that still involves going to the persons profile. I prefer this way anyways. What is the need to change names anyways? It's still confusing to be replying to someone, whose name you don't recognize.

And don't get me started on the personal quote.

All you have to do is click on a button to get to profile...
As for the changing name thingy, lets say someone changes their name to SUPER HAPPY FUN GIRL, and then a while later they get orphaned or something, well SUPER HAPPY FUN GIRL isn't exactly a fitting name then, is it?
Or a less extreme example, someone could name themselves after a band or character they like (ex: Zero), but then a while later they start to dislike that certain thing... a lot... so they want to change to somethin' else but can't.

Well then they could PM an admin and get their name changed. In the long run that's better for everyone. Because even if previous names are listed, having members able to change their names on a whim still allows it to be abused. Even if their previous names are listed, it still causes an amount of confusion. Especially when you have 20 people all changing their name on the same day for some theme. It may be fun for them, but it's rather annoying for the rest of us.
We generally don't have problems with legitimate name changes. Which is why members are allowed to PM admins and ask for a name change. Requiring members to request for name changes simply prevents abuse of the feature, frivolous name changes, and confusion.

EDIT: Ok, Inrun kind of beat me to the punch, but we both got our points across.

Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:35 pm

ahoteinrun wrote:
No. That feature was taken away because Jim threw a hissy fit because he wasn;t allowed to have a sugar high and he destroyed it with Yukio's pickle cannon. But it still survives!!! Rune managed to save some of it and now the Jim and Rune can change your name for you if you pm them nicely enough and don't do it often.

Umm... excuse me?

If anything, I was one of the more vocal people who said "Don't bring it back". Do you know how hard it is, keeping track of at least fifty members that are reguarily changing their names? WEEKLY name changes.
Theres a reason it was taken away, and it was because it was abused.
It works better this way in my opinion, it's easier to keep track of people, it's not confusing.

And I sure hope that was an attempt at being funny...

Yes, it was an attempt at being funny. And I now realise that name changing shouldn't be brought back and should eb under admin control only. And could I get my head back please? I think you bit it off...

EDIT: Just decided to do a run down of the facts that have been layed down about namechaging.

1) It's not coming back. Get used to it.
2) If you want your name changed, pm Rune or Jim very nicely and ask them to do it for you. But just as long as you don't do it too often. And the name you want isn't obscene or offensive.

Mkay? Mkay. And whats wrong with personal quotes? And no, I don't want a great debate over them, just want to find out whats wrong with them. I promise I'll respect your opinion and give you mine. And the other group was CCC.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:16 pm

*cranks up Vertigo higher* NOT THIS DEBATE AGAIN!

Just PM Rune. She'll do it. Although, I miss the CCC's mayhem, I've since thought one thing: I'm starting to build a reputation on the internet with DM was on fire! and what if someone steals my username.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:48 pm

We've beaten this subject down for the upteenth time now, especially since he how has gotten his request taken care of. Locked *add this to the FAQ finally*
Topic locked