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HTML in posts

Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:40 pm

For some reason, whenever I attempt to make a post, even when I remove the "disable html" check, html code never posts correctly for me in my posts. I always end up with all sorts of tags, which sort of takes away from what I was looking to do.

Is it just me? Am I a moron?

Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:03 am

Maybe the PPT system just changes certain codes? Like deletes the Marquee code or something... I've never had a problem with it.

Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:15 am


Hmm....what tags are you having trouble with, specifically?

Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:18 am

The image tag works. The linking tag, however, doesn't. I think it's a security measure, I just don't remember specifically for what...

Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:03 am

When you're checking the "disable html" what you're doing is disabling it. Don't check it, and your html should be fine.

Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:17 pm

No, I know that.

I tried to post the neopets news yesterday directly from the source code, and it would not work for me - it appeared only as text and tags.

And I had the box unchecked...that's what I meant in my first post on this thread.

Here's an example:
<p>This is a paragraph with an image below it.</p>
<img src="">

<p>This is a paragraph with an image within it.
<img src="">

Note the "p" tag. Also, it apparently doesn't like lists...
<li>this is an unordered list</li>
<li>this is an unordered list</li>

Maybe I'm just asking the posting script to do too much.

shapu shall remember this in the future.

Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:12 pm

I think the <p> tag doesn't work because the boards automatically code spacing like that. As for the list, I think you have to do it in BBCode. -points to the list button-

EDIT: Hmm. Maybe not. -shrugs- Okay, I dunno. XD

Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:47 pm

There's more on the abilities and limits of BBCode here.

Yeah, it's quite a hassle to transfer the full Neopets News over here. I guess the only way to do lists is to use the Find and Replace tool in Notepad. :\
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