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PPT Avatar Catalouge Help and Suggestion

Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:21 am


First of I would like to say that I love the PPT Avatar Catalouge! Has helped me heaps in getting my avatars and is a good way of organising what I have and don't have :)

One problem I am having though is that I can never seem to view the 'Show All' list, it times out on me when I try and load the page, I am on broadband and have a pretty top range computer so am pretty sure that can't be the whole problem and was wondering if anyone else had the same problem, and if so, if there was anything that could be done to fix this?

And just a suggestion also, it would be cool if there were 2 more links, 'My Avatars' and 'Avatars I Don't Have' or something, just so you can check full seperate lists of what you do and don't have.

I know its still in 'the making' but thought I'd throw my 2 cents worth in anyway :)

+ Missy +

[Update - Also before I forget, something that allows you to stay logged in or atleast remember your login name for the Avatar Catalouge because I always close a window then realise I need to go check something and have to log in again each time hehe It gets annoying :P]

Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:51 am


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll get to getting them incorporated in the avatar catalog straight away :)

Love em.
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