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Pink Ink announcement

Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:16 pm

Once again, the Pink Ink is opening up applications.

The process is rather simple - If you wish to apply, then PM Alex with the section you are applying for, and a sample article for that section. A bit of a reason why you wish to join the team is always welcome, but isn't required. Please be sure to make sure your article is a decent size - we're not asking for any essays, but it's very hard to judge someone's writing abilities from a short paragraph.

Spelling and grammar, obviously, is important. Even more so if you're an editor. Make sure to check over your application before sending it in, as if there are many noticable errors, this will reduce your chances greatly.

We are currently hiring for all sections (Articles, Art, Entertainment, Miscellaneous, Neopets, and PPT), as well as editing positions. You are more than welcome to apply for more than one position - but keep each application to a seperate PM, as this makes things easier. Also bear in mind that if chosen, you will only be able to write for one section.

No date currently for when applications close, as we want to wait and see what the general response in the first few days is. If you have any questions, feel free to PM Alex.

Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:31 pm

Because I forgot to add it in, and it's easier just to post:

We are also looking to hire one or two graphic artists. It's a relatively simple job - all you have to do is to make 100x100 icons for those which aren't repeat articles, and which require icons.

If you wish to apply, please PM me telling me so, preferably adding in some samples of your work (icons preferred as they give us an idea of what your work is like that we will require).

The demand isn't all that heavy - usually only about 5 or so icons per issue, depending on how full the issue is and the type of articles submitted.

That's it, I hope :)

Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:48 am

Applications are definitely still welcome, by the way - we haven't received many and the ones we've received are for the graphics position.

So send them in :D
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