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The Time Problem

Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:16 am

I don't know if it is just me, but I am on the correct time zone and the time on PPT seems to be an hour behind. This may seem like a stuipid thing to ask, but is Day Light savings enabled? Because if it isn't that might be the problem ^_^;;;.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:21 am

yes it would be one, but not a very big one. Why do you need accurate time on ppt anyway?

Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:11 am

Because I'm nit picky, and so I don't get confused and wonder if my time is off.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:19 am

It's probably just a difference in time zones. I wouldn't worry about it.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:41 am

I'm pretty sure it isn't, because my time zone is correct and the time is still an hour behind.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:54 am

I don't believe we have Daylight Savings Time enabled looking through things (I don't believe we had that on the other database if I recall.)

At least it's not the freaky thing where you had to adjust 13 hours or so ahead so you got the correct time. ^^;

Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:39 am

I think you have to change it yourself when the hour shifts forward or backward for Daylight Savings.

That's what I had to do last time the hour shifted.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:22 am

From what I gather, there's not much that can be done about it hmm.

Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:02 am

PHP forums don't allow for the feature of changing for daylight savings times. It's just one of those things we all will have to live with. lol

But as Rune said, at least it isn't the 13hour one still. What the people who were GMT+13 did I don't know... lo

Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:20 am

It was evil for me, I could either have the times reversed (8:00pm instead of 8:00am) or have it correct, but a day behind.

Now it's all working fine for me, though ^_^

Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:20 am

Same with me. I live in NZ, so the time is different.
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