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Creating a new topic problems (probably just me)

Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:12 pm

Alright so I wanted to create a new topic in the Role Play forum. I typed an entire story (it was called "Toys come alive" ^^)

When I pressed "Submit" nothing happened. When I pressed it again it said "You can not make a new topic this shortly after the previous one. I though: "Ok, so the topic is made." I click on Role Playing, suddenly my PC chrashes (this has probably nothing to do with this forum) so I shut down Firefox and open it again. And... Tadaa... there is no new RP made o_O

My question is: can I retrieve the text I have typed, because at one point I have also opened a Preview to see if it looks good.

Thanks for answering

Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:04 am

This has happened before xP At least, I think it's the same problem. Your RP will turn up sometime within 24 hours (hopefully) xD If you go to your own profile and click "Find all posts" your RP is actually listed there ^^;

Hm, funny. There was an RP with exactly the same title a couple of years ago that I was in o_o;

Edit: Actually I just went to the RP board and it's there already :P

Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:46 am

ok :)

thanks for clearing that up/helping

Yeah I know I kind of copied a name, I just thought it was really fun :P


Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:48 am

It could be a firefox related problem, id suggest using IE for a while to see if the same thing happens. Firefox crashes quite a bit for me. :|
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