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Quote messups

Sun May 07, 2006 4:25 pm

I've noticed several times on the site today that quote tags aren't working. This morning I tried a bunch of times to get a quote to work and checked to make sure the tag was completely correct, but it still wasn't working. I had HTML and BBCode enabled, but it still wouldn't post. I saw this again on the "Two Truths and a Lie" thread in NNV, and it's been happening constantly in the American Idol thread. I think it happens when you try to quote a person rather than just quote. The tags were all fine, but it wasn't quoting it like it should. As far as I can tell, it's only with new quotes, and not ones that were made prior to today. It's not all of the quotes, either. Some are coming up fine, but others aren't. This could be just me, but I wasn't sure.



Bangel wrote:Pie.

Sun May 07, 2006 4:44 pm

I've also seen this happening on a bunch of threads. I've already PMed HL about it and gave him a couple links to places where it was goofing up.

Sun May 07, 2006 7:40 pm

mayanspypilot wrote:I've also seen this happening on a bunch of threads. I've already PMed HL about it and gave him a couple links to places where it was goofing up.

Places like the Quote Tower thread.

Sun May 07, 2006 11:03 pm

Part of the script that handles first pass encoding of BBCode was malfunctioning earlier today, resulting in new messages containing attributed quotes not being parsed properly (BBCode remains in the message body). Fixed that just now, it should no longer happen to new posts.

If you really need attributed quotes to show up in the messages you posted earlier today, you can edit your own posts (just click "Submit" on the edit page without changing the post's text).
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