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Happy Second Anniversary since "The Great Reset"!

Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:26 am

As Rune aptly reminded me today, it has been two years since the great forum reset!!! (Well actually, it was yesterday, but we'll still celebrate it won't we people!) Can you believe it has been two years? Two years since the community was left in shambles due to us not having a back up (which reminds me to make a recent backup of everything). Looks like we've built up what we've lost in the past and more.

Two very enthusiastic thumbs up to everyone for rebuilding the PPT Community to its former glory. May we all become more happy, and more chappy as the days go by!
Last edited by Shoyru_Lover on Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Happy Second Anniversary since "The Great Reset&

Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:34 am

Shoyru_Lover wrote:May be all become more happy, and more chappy as the days go by!

I don't want to become a chappy... I'm happy as a girl, thanks! :cry:

It's great to see how far PPT has come (re-come) since then! I seem to remember PPT had just gone over the 10,000 users mark when it happened... and we're up to 7,000 again now. Yay for the many PPT-ers :D

Edit: Fixing quotes
Last edited by mazil on Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:40 am

Yay! :) Way to go PPT! It's because of all the great members who found their way back and all the new ones that have found us since. ^.^

May PPT continue for many years to come!

*cheers and tosses confetti*


Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:26 am

*Tosses Chairs and confetti* :P

Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:18 am

I lost all my posts back then, I was a PPT God! I miss that group xD, But I'm not bitter, not at all. ;)

Anyway. I feel we've gone through our own little renaissance era. And waaaaaay past Reformation... What now...? Lol

We've come a looooooooooooong way people! :D

Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:36 pm

I had like.... 7 or 8000 posts and was really upset when I learned I wouldn't have that many posts again when I signed up! After a day or less, I was over it, and I don't care anymore :P.

Happy forum reset everyone!

Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:07 pm

Woah, it's been two years? I completely forgot it even happened!

Of course, now all the crash memories are coming back to me. Like the summer before that crash, the forum had crashed, and for the most part, everything was fine, except that EVERY SINGLE post, topic, whatever in the RP board was gone. That was HORRIBLE. (or was it a few months after the giant crash? I can't remember)

Anyway, I also remember sitting around doing practically nothing for two or three weeks while the forum was down (this was what led up to the giant reset, for all of you who weren't members back then and have no amazingly gigantic crash memories). Most boring weeks of my life, I swear.

Hil wrote:I had like.... 7 or 8000 posts and was really upset when I learned I wouldn't have that many posts again when I signed up! After a day or less, I was over it, and I don't care anymore :P.

Happy forum reset everyone!

Same, I think I was like five posts away from 5000, and then the forum crashed and I was all omgthisisaDISASTER. And then I realized that the people with 10k+ posts had none, too, and I was fine and didn't care anymore. :P

Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:03 pm

It's been two years already?!

Wow, time really has crawled in.

I remember when I first discoverfed the forums and site were down. I looked at the screen and just kept saying "Oh."

But it's back now. Although we were not without our casulties.

R.I.P. ASP & CCC! You are sorely missed.
And it put old "Name Change Hack" into a PVS.


Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:39 pm

I thought you'd completely forgot :P I can't believe I've been at PPT for more than 2 years... time surely flies, doesn't it?

*throws chicken and confetti*

Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:41 pm

Ixistant wrote:R.I.P. ASP & CCC! You are sorely missed.

Oh, I dunno. ;)

Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:53 pm

Paul wrote:
Ixistant wrote:R.I.P. ASP & CCC! You are sorely missed.

Oh, I dunno. ;)

*covers you in finely ground shale*

Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:08 am

Oh I remember CCC! And the PPT Police! And... and... wah! :cry:

Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:28 pm

*hugs Kym* 'Tis alright...

I was close to Beyond Godly (2,500, I believe) and I was a member of the mafia. Those black stars are still one of the coolest things to ever roam this great website.
Now I have over 4,000 posts and I'm a Pink Inker. Huh.

ZOMG! YES! I remember CCC and ASP! ...I was a member of both. XD It was hard keeping track of what was what.

You know what else I remember? Lina_Blade. :o ...that's more like WHO I remember, but...never mind.

Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:57 am

Two years, huh? ^^; It's funny how in 2 years I can't even regain half of the number of posts I made in the year before the reset xP

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:35 pm

_jade_em_ wrote:Two years, huh? ^^; It's funny how in 2 years I can't even regain half of the number of posts I made in the year before the reset xP

It is, isn't it? I had a little over 1800 posts, and now I have...I can't believe I actually have to check; I used to always be aware of my post I have about 480. O_o
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